Some Extended Warranty humor



Hey, I get emails from him too. what a guy. :rofl:

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But then I got the email saying the guy died with billions in his account that he was trying to give away with no takers.

I quit getting calls though when I told them thank heavens I’ve got 400,000 miles on my car and need some help. Click.

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Hey, if he’s the same guy, he said his name is “Jonathan” and he has a sister who also calls. Not every day, but at least one a week on my home phone (landline…). When I see a number that does not mesh with my area, I usually let it go to the answering machine. I feel so lonely when they do not leave a message. When I’m beating away on my computer (as I am right now…) and the phone rings, I may answer it without thinking (I’m a Boomer and we were all taught to answer the phone…) and they catch me, I play along and tell them about my wife’s '85 Corolla with over 220k on the odometer and they politely tell me that it does not qualify and we say our goodbyes and I usually say, “Talk to ya later…” It probably goes over their heads…

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It’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it……

I tell them it sounds really interesting and hold on a minute, I am going to get a pen and paper to write it down. I then set down the phone quietly and hang it up after it makes funny noises.

I have a smart phone now but I have not given anyone the number but my wife and daughter. I only use it to make calls because I can;t answer it. I swipe and tap the green phone symbol but I can’t hear it in my hand so I can’t tell if I have successfully answered it. I thought something on the screen would change if I answered it but my kids say it doesn’t.

You might have to turn the volume up. The toggle on the side.

Same guy wants to buy my house. I gave him a price, he asked if the price is negotiable, I said sure, you can offer more if you wish!


I had that experience, from a guy just walking by w/a notepad in his hand. I said “sure, I’ll definitely consider an offer in the xxxxx dollars net range”. He pointed with his finger, and said “For that??” … lol …