It’s probably the leaf spring.
Sorry, at my time in the greenhouse I only worked on geraniums. They had a 58 Chevy wagon in cream and canyon copper, and a 61 Corvair Greenbriar in the same color scheme. The wagon must have had the 348 V8 in it because it really hauled but that Greenbriar was dead dead with a two speed automatic. Still would be fun to have either one but I have an aversion to flowers after my time there.
I just inherited an old 85 Buick Riveria with 45k miles that has been in the garage and hasn’t been used in 20 years. Is it worth it to tow it to a mechanic and flush out all the fluids and replace the brakes and tires and spend around $1k and then try to sell it for like $4k or will it become a money pit to where brake lines will break engine will be bad need new belts, etc. and I should just donate it instead?
The 85 was the last of the full sized Rivs and are a collector item. I would certainly put some money into it depending on the condition of it rust wise. I’m not sure what the price of them are now so might want to just google it. There is a Riviera car club that has lots of info and yearly meets so might want to wander over there for a look at the action. Haven’t been there for years now.
I have to double check the year, I was guessing, It might be a 84 or 86 or not even a Riv lol, could be like a cutlass, so worse case scenario is it worth it?
We need the model and year and overall condition. You’ll need new tires, and belts and likely hoses too.
An 86 would just be fun to drive but parts are getting scarce. I sold mine for $50 with good tires, a new battery, good upholstery, and a full tank of gas. An 84 and 85 are about the same, but a Cutlass I wouldn’t bother with.
@joek3533 You really need to find out what you have and start your own thread.
Wait, did I get this right? rattlegas the clown hijacked the thread, and then someone else came in accidentally and went in another direction?