Wedding gift of car

But can you give part of one to someone as a wedding gift? :-)

Considering the 1L engine was already disassembled…depends on how quick and sticky your hand is.

The problem with toasters is that its hard to throw them up in the air enough to give it a sporting chance against a 12 guage.

Just need some hillbilly “enjunearing”. If you’ve got a sledge hammer, make something similar to the weightlifter challenge you used to see at carnivals where you smack the end of the lever with the hammer and the metal weight would travel up the post and ring the bell if you hit it hard enough. Put the toaster at one end and have a buddy smash the other end with the hammer to launch the toaster into the air.
Or give it to the Youtuber Demolition Ranch( and have him feature it in a .50cal Friday or Microwave Monday video