I have an RV with a Triton V10 and bank power system. On occassion when I turn the engine off and attempt to restart I have difficulty. After starting, when I depress the gas pedal, the engine won’t rev-up and wants to stall. Also, when the motor idles, it acts like it wants to stall and then recovers. Any ideas?
You MAY have an IAC valve fault and/or a dirty throttle body.
Make sure the IAC (Idle Air Control) valve’s electrical connection is good before changing or cleaning.
There is a throttle body cleaner you can use but disconnect the air intake hose and directly spray.
I don’t think it is the IAC. The classic Ford IAC (on modular motor) failure mode is trouble starting and stalling when idling and coming to a stop. All of these things can be made to go away with a little pressure on the accel pedal (i.e. two-footed driving). Typically, at first, the problem will be intermittent and go away as the engine warms up. Eventually, it will become annoying enough to drive you nuts.
Take-home message is that if a little pressure on the accel pedal keeps the engine running, the IAC is not the problem because the IAC is irrelevant as an air metering device at that point.
How long has the gas been sitting in it?
Alright then, if you think it’s not the iac perhaps you might offer a fix for the poster. Adding throttle by acceleration to me is not fixing the problem.
It wouldn’t hurt to clean the throttle body anyway.
I offered a way to differentiate between an IAC problem and other things. There is not much sense in spending $80 on an IAC valve if you don’t need one.
“Bank Power system” is this an aftermarket add in from “Banks”, I thought Banks did ad-ons for Diesels only?.
http://bankspower.com/index.cfm Is this a diesel?. Don’t know if the V10 was available as a diesel.
Anyway, assuming Gas. Could this system be interefering with normal operation?.
You say it has difficulty restarting. I might suggest you take a look at the fuel pressure. if low asin pump failure, it will splutter and not respond to demand.
I’s all assume this one has some sort of a hot wire MAF air sensing device?. it may be faulty.
And also check for leaks in the intake piping between the MAF and engine.
A partially opened EGR woudl give rough ideling. Check the EGR is OK. Although has no effect when the engine as at high RPM, so it should respond normally EGR open or closed.
a BANKs power sys,makes no diff,unless it’s a diesel. even in that case it makes no diff for idle.or restart,NICE ADD THOUGH.