Using up snow blower mixture

I have, left over from last winter, roughly a half gallon of a mixture of gas and “2 cycle oil”, which I did not need to use in our snow blower. I am told by the snow blower salespeople that I cannot use this old stuff in our snowblower this year, but that they have no means of disposing of it, and that I should use it in my car’s gas tank - that it will be diluted, and have no adverse effects. Is this true? Can I safely use it in my car? I drive a 2006 Toyota Highland Hybrid. Thanks for responding. Meem

Add it to a full tank. It’s so diluted it won’t do any harm.

Either add it to the tank for the car or mix it with about another gallon of gas for the snow blower. It shouldn’t hurt either one of them. It isn’t that much fuel.

Personally, think it is too old with the ethanol problem, especially if untreated, and would dispose of it as a hazardous waste. If it were just a month or so, it should not be a problem. I would dilute when adding a full tank on top of it and don’t dump it all in at once. Less then a quart at a time. The problem is not combustion. The problem is the injectors which do not like oil. Next year, I would use a synthetic blend two stroke oil and it should be less of a concern when used in your car’s gas. Do you have a carb 4 stroke you can use it in the summer, like the lawn mower ? Personally, if it were from last winter and not been treated, I wouldn’t dump it into the car because of the aged ethanol. I feel it’s too late and your car is too expensive…

Sure you can…Just add new gas and it should be fine.

I agree with the prior responders. It is not enough to cause problems. If you like just add a little of it each time you fill up your tank.

I put stabilizer in the gas, use it up in the snowblower, then buy new gas. I do notice a slight decrease in performance with the old gas, but not bad enough to throw the gas away for the 3.5 hp toro from 1991.

I would rather dilute it and use it in my snowblower than dilute it and use it in my car. BTW, I suggest in the future, you either use two cycle oil with fuel stabilizer included, or add fuel stabilizer when you buy the fuel.

My only thought on that is if it is bad and you dilute it you have more bad gas to go through.

Yep, it would take more time, and more effort, but the potential for an expensive repair is higher with a car than a snowblower, so I would sleep better at night.

Smell it. If it smells like gasoline normally smells, go ahead and use it in the SUV.

white one, I meant use up the old gas in the snowthrower first, rather than spread out poor performance by doubling the amount of gas you have to go through to have good fresh gas.

No service person in their right mind would recommend you use todays year old gas in a snowblower. To put it in an expensive car ? At the end of the season, fine. A year later when gas starts to degrade with ethanol in 6 weeks, never. I doubt OP even put ethanol treatment that was specifically designed for it. I’m with Whitey and others who decline on this. Experiment with gas longevity on a snowblower…not a car. Appropriately…THROW IT OUT ! There should be a hazardous waste center you can drop it off. Find out at your town office.

Many communities have collection centers for hazzardous waste materials. For half a gallon of gasoline, I think I would try to get rid if it this way.
I have put gasoline stabilizer in my 2 cycle snowblower and started it up the next season with no problems. On the other hand, if I just look cross-eyed at my two cycle roto-tiller, it won’t start. I have finally concluded that draining the fuel at the end of the season, disposing of it at the collection center and starting with fresh fuel is the best way to go.

My 91 snowblower and 86 and 73 outboards have survived with stabil or sea foam. As STATED PREVIOUSLY I think the old gas gives poorer performance, but not unacceptable performance. If you have hazardous waste collection and doubts start fresh.

I pumped 8 gallons of gasoline from a boat that had been sitting more than 5 years. The owner seemed certain that stabilizer had been used. I mixed some of it 50/50 with gasoline for the lawnmower and had no problems so I poured the rest in my F-150 and had no problems there either. Maybe I was lucky.

Your problems start arising when the carbs need to be rebuilt sooner rather than later and gaskets, fuel lines and seals start to fail. With today’s electronic ignition, you can get combustion, for now… and fuel injection is quite forgiving. Wait till over time even they need to be serviced. You may not be so lucky in another year or two. I hope you had a water separator in the boat; otherwise, you may have added a significant amount of water to your system. Save your money for future service you otherwise may not have needed.
I hope your good luck continues “Rod”.