Using this website

Is there any ‘help’ for using this website? It’s kinda confusing.

The good news is that you were successful in posting your question, so apparently it isn’t too confusing!

If you have a question regarding your car, simply post it–just as you did with this question.
The mistake that some first-time posters make is “tagging on” to an old thread on the same general topic as their question.

If you have a question, simply create a new thread, just as you did today. Don’t tag on to an old thread on the same topic.

+1 for @VDCdriver.

Thanks for the info. I thought tags were required. My bad.

So now do I need to start over and ask my question about how to use this website? (I’m serious, not trying to be snarky.)

there’s so much here…where to begin ?
This chat room is part of the ‘community’ tab in the gray bar above…( if you navigate away and can’t find your way back here. )
On that gray bar you see a ‘car info’ tab which has a plethora of addition info. Take some time and experiment with those for a while.
In this thread you see a post from cdaquila…Carolyn is THE site administrator and can answer all your questions.
Yet all the regular folks here can too.
Be specific if there’s something you’d like and we can guide you.

click on many of these other discussions and you can often learn a lot by reading others issues and our answers. I do a lot of reading for that reason.

Click on the little gear you see in the upper right of the post you wrote and you can edit your typing without having to re-post a whole other paragraph…you might notice that’s what I’m doing to this one.

Your other post was excellent because it started with the basic info of your vehicle. You’ll see as you read other posts how often the op ( original poster ) leaves us guessing and we have to drag it out of them, Yours was great, couldn’t tell you were a newbie .

TX … maybe it is simpler if we ask: what are your objectives? For example, are you experiencing some kind of problem with your car or truck? Most folks who come there, that’s the reason they visit this site.

Probably the second most common reason is to download the most recent Car Talk one hour radio podcast.

And the third is for help finding a good local mechanic.

This OP has proven their self adept at posting in another thread.

You do not have to use the tags feature when you post. It just helps people find your post when they search for something like your post. Think of it as a set of optional key words.