Two times, first in 2007, then later I think in 2009, I was illegally stopped with no violations at all, on US highways. As a result of this, I am now much more afraid of US cops than Mexican cops.
Several years ago, I wrote about my experiences, and I think I included the tale of Tenaha, Texas, which was subject to a class action law suit for simply confiscating cash and vehicles. In some cases, they told people their kids would be taken by CPS unless they signed over everything.
One man was dumped off on the highway, with his car stolen, his cash and phone confiscated. He had to ask someone to call his mom who had to rent a car to pick him up.
They worked on a class action law suit, which was finally certified on the condition they did not ask for cash compensation.
While reading a current case about a 70 year old man who was illegally stopped and jailed with no evidence, I Googled for the Tenaha case. THEY WON!
Turns out the cop/prosecutor thugs in some cases wrote down what they had done, including telling them their kids would be taken if they didn’t sign over their cash and vehicles.
So, now they have been forced to fix things. The main culprit was brazen about it, and insisted he felt justified in doing what he did. Claims God sent him to do just that.
Here is the newspaper article on the settlement. It includes other forfeiture abuses as well.
Frankly, I am not convinced Tenaha is unique. The founders well knew how government abuses increase with time.