Trouble at the McMerge

Fast Food For Thought…
At one time I went to fast food joints. I haven’t been to a McRestaurant in years and years. In fact I avoid all restaurants. They serve nothing I’d want to consume and then there’s the type of idiots they attract as you’ve described.

I always carry a water bottle that I fill at home with fresh artesian well water for free and a nutritious meal if I’m going to be away for a while.

I save money, aggravation, and consume few empty or harmful calories. I enjoy being healthy, fit, and light weight more than I enjoy eating out.

I dont like that lump in my stomach ,it just doesnt go down like food,I have virtually stopped drinking soda pop,it just seems so pointless,I watched a wanker in a brand new 626 Mazda,pull away from the drive thru window and prepare their caffeine fix in plain sight of everybody and crack the window and discard the creamer cups and whatnot ,right on the fresh tarmac ,talk about disrespect! I cant tell you what I felt when I watched that blatant disregard for property and the environment .
One of my Cousins (who would argue with Ken Jennings ) told me stright faced that He couldnt see where littering hurt anything ,I listed a few examples ,but I dont know whether He got the message or not .

Reminds me of when I rode in a car pool out of Berkeley, CA to San Francisco.
Our driver, Linda, had a Honda Civic, she was “bullied” by a guy in a Ford F-150 Harley Davidson model. Linda ended up saying to him, “Sir, you must have the smallest @#?! in the world, there is no reason for you to honk your horn when I am moving forward, and you are too.”

When I was a kid if I threw trash on the ground I would have trouble sitting for a while!

[sgtrock21] sgtrock21
August 12

When I was a kid if I threw trash on the ground I would have trouble
sitting for a while!

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reply to this email to respond. This email business has became even
screwier after the last " windows update ",my guess on the speed bumps
in amerika ,would be crying and much more work for the suspension
people and smart phone replacements,when the phones went through the
sunroof on the way to a suborbital trajectory ,not to mention the
unbuckled people sticking out of the tops of ragtops and sunroofs .

    In Reply To

[kmccune] kmccune
August 11

I dont like that lump in my stomach ,it just doesnt go down like
food,I have virtually stopped drinking soda pop,it just seems so
pointless,I watched a wanker in a brand new 626 Mazda,pull away from
the drive thru window and prepare their caffeine fix in plain sight of
everybody and crack the windo…

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How often do mechanics take a customer’s car to run errands, like picking up lunch? The last time I was at a shop, I found a fast food receipt in a cup holder. It was a store I never go to, and I knew they made a lunch run, probably while testing the car. There was no other debris from this food run, but I don’t like the idea of carrying food in my car.

Sounds like Indiana. I swear some people are soooo ignorant.

@jtsanders, I’m sure that now and then a mechanic will use a customer car to go and get lunch. This may be done as part of a test drive or not. Personally, I’ve never known this to happen as far as allowing food into a car.
I’m also of the opinion that a mechanic should NEVER do anything that allows food or drink into a customer’s car.

At times I’ve driven customer cars to lunch; meaning a walk-in restaurant. This was done as part of a test drive and in most cases involved a car that was finished right at lunch time and had to be test driven anyway.
In some cases I’ve test driven cars home in the evening (50-160 miles round trip all depending) for those problems that are very sporadic.

I learned a good Atkins meal is the Whopper and toss the bun. What is inside isn’t bad at all.

We drive into the second biggest city in our state for $; and groceries. There is a Burger King in the luxury mall, as well as Sam’s Club and Wal-mart. The Whopper sans bun is just about right for the mid-day meal. my wife, the ultimate recycler grabs the buns and takes them home for something, maybe for the uncle’s dogs.

This is the trip I mentioned elsewhere that has like 53 speed bumps in like 51 or 52 miles. Due to low speed limits, it is a two hour trip one way.

Are you kidding me . . . ?!

I’m sorry, but there’s no way I’m ever going to be convinced a Whopper w/o the bun is in any way “healthy”

Might be “good” as per Atkins standards . . . but far from healthy, by most standards, I would imagine

I woulda thought eating the bun and throwing the rest away was better.

Can’t tell me a slab of charbroiled “mystery meat” is healthy


Maybe irlandes is trying to pull my leg :smiley:

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I am also doubtful about the pate in that burger has much meat in it, but I agree that it might be Atkin friendly, after all he himself died from a heart attack.

Now, try to take the bun off in the drive through (this is just to bring it back to cars)!

Are we sure that they have the same whoppers down there that we do here?

Remember their coca cola is still made with real sugar, it may not be healthy, but its healthier than our coke in the US.

Dr. Atkins died from head trauma, when he slipped on an icy NYC street.

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All the fast food chains MUST buy their meat from the company. And it is NOT considered good quality meat. I buy ground beef from a local butcher. It only contains 8% fat. Any of the burger chains the meat is easily 40% fat. Anything above 15% is considered unhealthy.

About the ONLY food you can get at these places that’s healthy is a Salad. But skip the very high calorie dressing.

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While not top quality meat, I’m pretty sure the burgers at the major chains is 100% beef, not ‘mystery meat’.

The fast food chains have to buy their meats from meat packing houses that have FDA inspectors. Ground meat is typically made of scraps. Whether you buy it at a fast food store or at the grocery store. You can get ground beef from higher grad cuts, but you will pay for it. Are you willing to pay $10 for a top grade burger (no fries with that)? You won’t find those at your local fast food store, but you can buy that wagyu burger at an upscale pub. It will cost you $13 to $15 with fries.

Oh boy. Just because they have FDA inspectors on site doesn’t mean the meat is any good. All of the meat that has been recalled has been at places with FDA inspectors. Also be very careful of the lettuce and tomato. For one thing you don’t know where it came from and how it was fertilized but there have been mega recalls from these huge processing plants.

Now when I worked at the restaurant in high school, the owner was a former meat cutter and he bought all his ground beef from his dad who owned a butcher business. It was all high quality local meat. Welcome to the world of globalization and these huge sewage plants called meat processors. I asked our state epidemiologist once what’s safe to eat anymore and he replied muffins.

I take it you’ve never been to a real butcher. Place I go to - I choose the sirloin -butcher then trims off the excess fat and then grinds it up right in front of me. Sorry but there is a HUGE difference between McDonald’s meat and meat bought from a butcher or a good store that has a good meat department.