Tricked-out Ford Crown Victoria

Saw that on national newscast last evening.
Bull seems to enjoy it, but, IMHO, a trailer would be preferable.
Not to mention, that old Vic is listing to the right.


what a moooooooooving story…

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At least the horns work…


Kind of surprised a greenie posted something with double the emissions…


If you view the video, stop it at 0:08 and you’ll see that the bull could not wait until the next “Rest Stop”…

Imagine driving behind that… He needed a sign that said “Stay Back 500-Feet” :rofl:


Clearly someone steered him wrong when they told him to make a cattle car from a cop car. I guess he figured he could make hay slinging bull down the highway.


Maybe the owner is an actor, on the way to a “cattle call” audition … lol .


these puns are udderly ridiculous…


Are you posting this story as a way to brag about what your other vehicles can do, Robert?
Though, I think the biggest question on everyone’s mind is “Was the bull safely buckled in his seat?”

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Now that is a good reason to put MAX air pressure in your XL tires… lol


If I remember correctly the bull is displayed at fairs.

I do not think that the bull could have been wearing a “seat belt” since he was standing… but he was “tied in” however, I would guess that this still does not qualify as being “Belted in”

Below is a “Screen Grab” from 0:36… and that ain’t no bull… :grinning: :joy: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

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Hopefully he never tailgates a red car.


What was the violation? Failure to properly secure a load?

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The right horn extends beyond the vehicle.
No WIDE LOAD permit with leading and trailing warning vehicles?

A lot of loads extend beyond the vehicle. Exceeding the maximum width that I believe is 8’ requires an oversize load permit.

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I’d have guessed the bull would put it over the car’s gross vehicle weight limit.

You saw the other modification done to the car, wouldn’t you expect the suspension to also be “beefed up” (Ha Ha, couldn’t help it…and that ain’t no Bull…)

Former Merrill Lynch associate?