To heat or not to heat the car seat?

I live in south Florida where it never really gets cold enough to use your car heater. The heated seats are just perfect though for those few nights that get chilly. Generally our a/c is running all the time so the windows don’t fog from the humidity and the heated seats come in handy then too. I would never buy a car without them.

I sold over 300 Subarus and other cars for 3 years in Alaska. Almost always it was the women who wanted the heated seats and the men were not interested. The men commented that it made them feel like they had had an “accident”. I love mine, available in a cloth seat, for a couple of reasons. It heats up a lot faster than the engine, so after the car has sat outside in the cold all day, I can warm up faster in it. On the way to work in the morning, the heat on my lower back is so relaxing that it is almost like having a massage.

My first reaction to hearing your question this morning was that it is a classic example of the “do you like the Three Stooges question.” That is the question where urban legend has it that most men answer yes while most women not only say no, but add that they can’t stand the group.

But, the responses indicate I was wrong to group the two questions in the same category.

Two of my cars have heated and cooled seats (with an auto setting). We don’t need the heat that much here (but it is nice when we do), but the cooling feature is much appreciated.

To add a new dimension to this, I (a guy) LOVE the heated backrest, but hate the heated seat. The warmth on my back feels wonderful, but I dislike my butt being fried at the same time. Wish there was an option to heat just the backrest, or at least keep the seat on low and the backrest on high.

I like heated seats because I do not own a pair of snow pants; car interiors get $&?!#%@ COLD in the Tri-State.

My husband LOVES our heated car seats…only because they keep me from complaining about how cold I am :slight_smile: He really dislikes using them for himself…

I’m of the thinking that guys don’t like any added heat down near the “eggs”, whereas ladies like the “incubator” nice and warm…

I love heated seats, but I have a slow thyroid and I am more sensitive to cold than most. My 80+ parents got a vehicle with heated seats in the fall and love them.

So count two more guys (my dad and I) who love heated seats.

I am a guy, and not only do I like my heated seat, I like my heated steering wheel as well.

My wife has them in her Volvo and will keep them on in mid-August. I have the same feeling the guys described today, that seat warmers go from 0 to radioactive too quickly.

But the best reason to avoid them is the one my father-in-law gave. He says when the seat warmer fires up he feels like he filled his pants.

there are a few cars out there that offer heated cloth seats, you just gotta know where to look. I know a couple Mazdas offer that.

I feel as if most women like the heated seats because most women dont have a lot of extra hair on thier backs. A lot of men such as myself do and therefore the extra heat is usually unwanted. In the winter when it is cold one usually has on layers and doesn’t get the real effect from the seats anyway. I guess the heated seats would be okay if you drove naked in Colorado or somewhere more frigid. Just a thought.

I use the option for the back of the seat. The reason I love my heated seat, and the one in my 2001 Subaru Outback is my first…is because it is soothing like a heating pad on my back after a long day at work. I do not use it year round UNLESS my back is bothering my from waiting on MEN…


My biologist wife, who likes heated seats, informs me that I don’t like them for biological reasons…the need to keep other things in the general derriere region cool.

Expanding (wordplay intended) about the reproductive organs. They do expand with warmth, contract with cold. Thus, the danger of causing significant groin pain by some random shifting in the seat, leads men instinctively to dislike those that are heated.
This could be verified by finding out if men would prefer, overwhelmingly, chilled seats for summertime use.

female here. i’ve always hated them. i’m always too warm anyway and they gave me the creeps. then i bought a new truck that had them because they come with all the stuff i actually needed. i’d always had cloth seats in the past, preferred them-- so now i have leather seats. i’m almost a convert - not only does it feel better to have the leather warmed a little on a REALLY frigid day, but i can leave the heater off and not endure the hot air and fumes spewing from the vents. Caveat, if i forget they’re on, after a bit i start wondering if i should consider wearing depends. that warm sensation is tricky.

You will get more reports of cool air around the floor of the car from women than you will from men, I wonder why this is, perhaps a circulation problem.

On a more serious line, there have been reports of people with reduced sensitivity to heat (they cannot tell their backside is getting hot) being burned by heated car seats. It seems that there are not enough reports of injury (under 20 in the article I read) for any action to be taken. Some manufactures self regulate, both in heated seat system design and in regards to how hot their seats can get.

The Montana seat heater is cheep and will work in any pickup. Get two dogs. On those cold mornings when the seats going to be rock hard ask the dogs if they want to go for a ride. Have you ever known a dog to say no? Put them in the front seat go back in and have breakfast. When it’s time to go your seat will be toasty warm. All you have to do is evict the dogs and scrape the windshield inside and out. The dogs breath will have fogged the cab up.

That would be because you have excess body heat, some of us gals just don’t!