Tire opinion please, dealer recommends replacement

So had the 2017 gmc acadia in for an oil change at the dealer I bought it from 49k miles, service advisor suggested new tires, not tread depth but tire cracking. Dueler Bridgestone tire, What think you? I passed, is this time for tires? Tightwad thinking I will let it go for a couple years.


At 7 years old and looking like that I’d replace them.


I replaced mine at 5/32, no cracking but fives years old. Winter is coming. They look hard as a rock.

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Please replace them. They are an accident looking for a location


So long as the weather is cold, then the tires might be OK, but once it gets warm, I think you should replace them!

Agreed 100% on replacing now.

I had to buy a new set for my car recently. I hated to do it…but apparently the previous owner put on a used set of tires. While they still had a lot of tread, the wet traction was terrible. One night when I was driving home from work in a storm, I nearly spun off the road 3x. That did it for me. Problem was totally solved by a new set of tires.

I’d also suggest getting your alignment and possibly front end suspension checked. That wear looks unusual to me.

Don’t cheap out on this. Buying a new car and/or a hospital bill due to wreck will be a whole lot more expensive.


Replace them, @Barkydog. You and Mrs B are worth far too much to quibble over this issue. Even though you live in the frozen North, I’d replace them now. Your tires are cracked, hard, and have less than half the tread of new tires. The extra tread may come in handy when it snows. BTW, I’m a cheap sun of a gun too.


A lot of it depends on how and when you will be driving the vehicle… if this is a 2nd or 3rd vehicle NOT driven very fast or far as to not put much road heat in them, they will go a bit longer… But if you get up to highway speeds and get some heat in them, it may/will be game over… Being you seem to average about 134ish miles a week, then they should be replaced very soon… I just replaced the old, very old 16-17 yo tires on the old truck that gets driven back roads about once a year or so… The last time I drove it, over a year ago I could feel the left front tire starting to seperate, I never got it over 35 MPH so if it blew out, no big deal… But I would never dreamed of doing 40+ as I know they would not last…
I had my buddy come get it and drive it about 15 miles, all back roads, to his work and slap some Destination LE3’s on it, it made it ok but he went slow… Funny thing is I still haven’t driven it yet with then new tires that are a month oil now, but am about to use the heck out of it soon… lol

Anyway - Always better to be safe then sorry…

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I vote for new tires,

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Another vote for replacing them now. I wouldn’t drive on tires cracking like that.


Barky can count this as one more vote in favor of replacing them a.s.a.p.
On treads like that, I would be reluctant to drive anywhere… except to a tire retailer.


OK, new tires it is, the flash photo really shows the level of deterioration. Going to go for the Michelin defender LTX m/s. Guess end of year model is discontinued, will look through old posts for brand model recommendations. 255/55R20


Concur. I’d only keep using tires in the condition shown in BD’s photo if they were on the rear, I drove no faster than 35 mph, and I didn’t drive the vehicle more than a 90 minute walk from home base. Maybe ok to use as a farm truck to haul potatoes from the field to the drying shed.

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Looks like a retread that’s about to lose it’s alligator skin.

The tires are assumed original to the vehicle. Bought it off the dealer that was selling the vehicle after 3 year lease trade in from said dealer.

20” tires? Gm has styling down to a science.

Just be glad that this wasn’t your tire, Barky!


Wow! A free crescent wrench! … lol …


This is silly… By the time your tires are “cracking” the flexibility and adhesion of your tires has come close to zero so you’re basically driveing on billiard balls.

So weighing against $400 for new “grippy” tires, which should last 5 years vs continuing, the choice is obvious.


I just replaced the tires on my 08 650i, strictly due to age. They only had about 9k miles on them, but were from 2013. Driving in the rain felt really loose.