If a car is parked against a hard object overnight or longer(in this case the tires are pushed against a 2 X 4 to protect a wall) will the tires be damaged?
Not enough information. What part of the tire is against the 2X4? And tell us about the wall. Be descriptive.
Probably not. Check tire pressure and drive. Any symptoms of damage? Just don’t do it anymore.
So you’re just using the 2x4 as a stop in your garage? No damage with that, I’d think.
it might exacerbate existing damage, but it won’t cause new damage unless you leave it there for a very long time.
Absolutely not. A modern tire will suffer no deformity or damage by being parked against a 2x4 overnight. Nor would it suffer any deformity or damage if parked on large gravel stones overnight, even with a huge payload, as countless construction vehicles ranging from F150s and larger are every night. Modern tires are far, far more resiliant and tough than that. Countless tires are parked without damage against concrete parking stops overnight, on the edges of driveway pavement every night, and just about any other situation you can imagine.
And then there are the potholes people hit without damage every spring.
What part is pushing against the 2x4? The tread or the sidewall. I would not worry about the tread, but the side wall is far more easily damaged.
Thanks to all who responded. It is the front edge of the tire that “rests” against the 2x4 wood to stop from going into the wall in front of the car. I gather from the replies this is mostly not a problem but I will try to back off of it slightly when I park the vehicle.
It is the front edge of the tire that “rests” against the 2x4 wood to stop from going into the wall in front of the car
Absolutely no problem.
It’s totally harmless, but of you’re concerned you could always create a “stop indicator” by hanging a tennis ball from the rafters such that when the windshield touches the ball the car is fully in. That too is harmless and probably easier to use.