Tight parking spaces

In my neck of the woods, narrow spaces are labeled “compact”

But they’re not as narrow as the ones in the picture

I’ve been in parking lots, where 100% of the parking spaces were “compact”

Those are the kinds of places I don’t return to

I can understand the reason to have some “compact” parking spaces. But to have every single parking space be “compact” is quite beyond me

Idiot planning at its worst . . .

I have a little sympathy. At work, space was at a premium so I’d try to squeeze as many stalls in as possible. Getting an extra few stalls meant that another few employees could have parking instead of having to walk a ways. A little different though for customers of businesses.

I am surprised that no one here has figured that out.

The wide space is for the Wiener mobile and the narrow one is for the Low Fat wiener mobile.

Actually, I’d bet that the workers were suppose to measure from the center of one line to the center of the next line. Instead they measured inside to inside of the lines. This way, every 4 inch wide line would take away 4 inches from the end space. Hence, ten spaces would take 40 inches from the last space.


A little different though for customers of businesses.

You still have the problem of vehicles NOT being able to fit. I can understand if they have set aside several stalls for smaller vehicles…but not when the whole parking lot is setup with smaller stalls. This one business…my Highlander can fit between the lines…but if another Highlander parks next to me on my left…I can’t open my door enough to exit.

More irritating than the size of the spaces, is the fact that many, many people can’t drive. That means they can’t get their car even semi- into the middle of the space, thus making the space next to them unusable by any car/truck. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to climb over my console (not exactly easy in any car, let alone my 4Runner) just to get into the seat. Then, after I back out I have to stop and check for whatever damage the passenger in said vehicle might have managed to do to my truck.

As happened long ago in our Brand New (<24 hours old) car. I parked right up against the curb, at the very end of the parking lot (in a vain attempt to protect it a little bit). An old beat up van parked so far over the line my wife couldn’t get in - but they managed to get out, and caused damage in the process.

Some people are just inconsiderate idiots.
Last year I stopped to visit my daughter at work and all the handicap spaces were taken. So I parked toward the center of the lot, four spaces away from the nearest car. As I was walking away, some lady in a crossover SUV pulled her car up about 6" from my driver’s door. I hobbled back and told her in no uncertain terms to move her car.

“some lady in a crossover SUV pulled her car up about 6” from my driver’s door"

Clearly, she was not a “lady”.
A lady is a woman with impeccable manners and excellent breeding.
More than likely, you encountered a garden-variety woman who had a sense of self-entitlement, rather than someone who was a true “lady”.

For the life of me, I don’t understand why so many people nowadays refer to all women as “ladies”.

Politeness. Whether it implies manners and excellent breeding depends upon the context. In the context of my post it’s more sarcastic than complimentary.