The EV Charging Stations are Gone, but the Reserve Parking Remains…

I just don’t understand the anger and resentment about electric vehicles. What’s the big deal? Our government spends money to encourage certain things, like it did starting in the 20’s when it began to support the paving of as many streets as possible in the US, supporting cars and trucks instead of trolleys, light rail and ferries. The government subsidized single family houses with GI bill mortgages, and now we have sprawling suburbs. Now the government is subsidizing electric transportation. The government helped underwrite the internet, and supports growth in electronic communication.


On the campus where I taught before I retired, there one charging station in the parking lot near the gymnasium. The parking in that place with the charging station.has a sign that reads “Electric Vehicle Parking Only By Permit”. I have no idea how much extra a person must pay for the permit, but knowing the university, my guess is that the price is high. Until two years ago, there was a Chevrolet Bolt in the space plugged into the charger. However, the staff member either left campus or is driving a different car.

They are apparently not widely-known, but the Volta company’s Level-2 chargers are free to those who hook-up to them. It appears that they are financially supported by advertising on the chargers.

When I’m pumping gas and the pump is streaming out an advertisement for various products like coffee or hot dogs available inside the station to the services of lawyers willing to take my traffic accident case is something I can hardly avoid, I am a “Captive Audience”…

But if I’m driving an EV and I pull up to one of these Volta Charging Stations, it’s not the same, I’m not stuck at the charging wand to ensure I do not “over-fill” my battery as I would be at a gas pump. I would plug in my EV and then walk over to that gas station advertising the Coffee and Hot Dogs on their pumps and buy a lottery ticket, enjoy my coffee and maybe order a second hot dog.

So, all the advertising on the charging station would not serve them well…


Well see ya in court buddy. Ya wanna use slang? Ok.

You talking to me? If so, not enforceable such as a handicap spot, I see case dismissed~ Show me the citation, as I doubt there is one possible.

Yeah I meant the guy has got a great case. The sign says green you dummies, and my truck is green so sue me.


The person who paid for those signs has an odd sense of humor. Fuel efficient vehicles are not necessarily green in color.


Lawsuit based on what?


My range meter is usually green on the readout of miles left on the charge. One time I let it get REALLY low, like 40 miles left and the display was orange and it let me know I needed to get to a charger. I try to not go below 100 miles very often if I can avoid it.

The problem seems to be over agreement whether it’s a good thing to encourage. It’s very hard to argue against the other projects you mentioned but those that argue the EV game often relate it to things like infrastructure.
Should the Govt be encouraging and supporting (spending on) the consumer buying of EVs or in fundamentals of the energy infrastructure development. Are they doing both?

Yes, both are being funded. The recent bi-partisan Infrastructure Bill provides an unprecedented $73 BILLION for strengthening the nation’s electric grid. The incentives for EV & plug-in hybrid purchases still exist, but they were modified so that they only apply to US-made vehicles beginning in March, 2023.

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I think EU nations also subsidize EVs.

Sure, there can be arguments both ways on electric individual vehicles, but at this point I really can’t see any legitimate arguments against the idea of a strengthened electric grid. While we seem to have come up with a hybrid public/private system of ownership of electric systems of distribution and maintenance there really has to be a system of safeguards and standards so we can all use electricity. We have rules for road building and we use tax money to pay for building them; it’s not crazy to say we have rules for electricity grids so use tax money to pay for them, too.