Tappet Brothers' Phony Traffic Citations

The 2 mile long road that “rings” our golf course/condo community is actually a City Street (with a 15mph speed limit) and goes up our particular association’s cul-de-sac about 100 feet and then it becomes our private road, with signs alerting people to that.

City Police and Sherriff’s Deputies do cruise into our complex and are looking for anything suspicious and although probably would question any of that type activity, they may not have authority to issue actual driving violation citations.

They radar our 15mph “ring road” and often leave parked patrol vehicles. They sometimes hunker down in our cul-de-sac and watch an intersection on our outskirts. They attend our community meetings (public relations) and ask if there are any questions or whether there is anything they can do to help.
:palm_tree: :sunglasses: :palm_tree:

That use to be the case i n NY. People would race around Malls. And since it was private property the police were powerless to do anything. That law changed back in the 70’s. Malls and Condo’s can now request from the town a speed limit ordinance to enforce speed limit on their property. But the owner must request it.

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