Strange sound when triving over small potholes


I have a 2013 Toyota Rav4. I noticed recently that when driving across certain relatively light potholes I started hearing a clicking sound of sorts. This seems to only happen at low speeds, not on highways. Is this something to be concerned about? Any thoughts on what could cause this?

You wrote that this happens when traveling over “light potholes” but not on the highway. I would venture a guess that it is suspension issues. When you are traveling the rough roads, the suspension is being worked. However, on the highway, which is relatively smooth, your suspension is not having to respond to bumps, etc… Look for loose of worn parts on your suspension.

Not knowing what type of vehicle you are driving, Car, Truck, Golf Cart, Tank, etc… it is hard to be more specific… (a Tank??? L :rofl: L…)


Worn sway bar bushings is one.

Worn sway bar links is another



Whoops :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: forgot to mention that. This is a 2013 Toyota Rav 4. I updated the OP with that as well.

But you updated the original post with 2023. Which is it?

  1. Sorry for the confusion.

Yes. And it will almost certainly be safer and less expensive to repair this problem now, considerably more expensive later.

Make sure you aren’t hearing the noise only when going over manhole covers. Those can move around & make a clicking sound too.

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Yeah, its definitely not just manholes. Its not every bump in the road, but most of them. On some roads its just all the time as shown on the video.

Any idea what is the typical rough cost range for something like this?

It depends on what stuff has worn & worked loose. If just a single sway bar link, maybe $100 for the replacement part at one hour labor. Figure around $150 -$400.

Thanks for the help! I’ll post back with the results.

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