Starting issues

recently had an accident where a man driving a truck with a boat hit my 2005 Ford Explorer in the front end. I have had all sorts of issues since the accident but this one I am wondering about. I have to now in order to start my vehicle hit the accelerator several times before it starts… the rpms have to be higher than usual before it stauls… do you have any suggestions? could the accident have something to do with it?

You’re going to need be a little more clear in your description. E.g. You “hit the accelerator several times before it starts” and “the rpms have to be higher than usual before it stauls”

This isn’t clear. Do you mean that you have to hold the gas pedal down while you start it? And do you mean that once it starts you have to keep your foot on the gas some so that it won’t stall? Clarify.

Lots of things can get messed up in an accident and no one here will be able to say a lot with certainty having not seen or inspected the vehicle. However, if my above guesses are right, then it sounds like you might just have a classic idle air control (IAC) valve problem. Its a pretty common thing including with Fords.