Southern Gas Shortage

One thing in favor of incandescent bulbs is that 98% of the energy consumed goes into heat and only 2% goes into light. In the winter, the heat given off by an incandescent bulb adds to the heat in an indoor space. Of course, in the summer, incandescent lighting puts an added load on the air conditioning.
I was reminded of the energy savings of LED over other types of lighting. The basketball arena at the university where I was employed installed LED lighting. The lights are turned off during the playing of the National Anthem and a spotlight is turned on to illuminate the Flag. After the playing if the National Anthem, the main lights come on instantly. On the other hand, one band I play with has its rehearsals in an elementary school gym. The lights are mercury vapor and on a timer. If someone forgets to flip.the switch that bypasses the timer, the lights go off precisely at 8 p.m. When we turn these mercury vapor lights back on, they start up slowly and are sequenced so they all don’t try to start up at once. I know that in large areas, the LED lights have to save a lot of energy.

Yes “today” they are, but they were not “then”.

Yes I’ve had Economics 110, 210, 310, 410 and a number of others. I am quite well aware of economies of scale, competition, micro and macro, cost accounting, banking, JIT, MRP, gee and even math.

As long as we are talking at the 3rd grade level though, CFLs are an environmental hazard. Break one and call the haz mat team. Oh yeah I’ve had some training in hazardous materials too.

“Fluorescent lights (the long ones) are still being used and sold. They were the goto light for offices for decades.” Gee I had no idea that what all those long tubes are in the ceiling. Sarc.

Just sayin’ without getting sarcastic, there certainly are many other conditions that warrant treatment before this one. What did they call that? Oh yeah, intervention was a craze for a while. I remember when our pastor was leading these interventions. I had a few of the wives ride to the big city with me for visitations. There were some fairly surprised guys that didn’t figure what they did for a pass time required an intervention. Like the Sheriff said though, a guy has got a right to not be found even if the family wants to find him. Run while you can. Really a hoot, but I’ve gotta go.

My church switched to LED lighting starting a few years ago mostly because people were complaining about the mood lighting in our meeting room because of the vintage light fixtures. We were able to have our amazing building administrator put in the lights for a fraction of what a lighting company quoted us. Proved more than worth the money so every light fixture will get changed over eventually and it’s part of bringing in our 1950’s church building into the modern age.

Me, I filled up while it was still cheap. It’s not hoarding, it’s opportunistic buying. No gas stations closed due to panic buying in Central Texas. We are just seeing the prices soar, rising daily.
When gas prices are rising, I tend to keep my tank topped off. When gas prices are falling, I drive until the tank is nearly empty.

 and if hoarding was his only problem, wife #2 might not have divorced him, and wife #3 probably wouldn’t now live in a different state. Because this is a family-oriented forum, and because it would be totally off-topic, I haven’t delved into his other issues. Trust me
 they are seriously troubling.

Speaking of LEDs, I needed a new T5 fluorescent tube for an under-cabinet light, so off to Lowe’s I went yesterday. I discovered that there are now LED replacements for these little fluorescents, so I bought one, simply because it had the potential to last FAR longer than a fluorescent.

As I was installing it, I noticed the following on the end of the tube:
Caution: This lamp works ONLY with an electronic ballast
The fixture has a conventional ballast, but I figured that I would give it a try anyway.

I turned it on, and–sure enough–it only flickers, so I am headed back to Lowe’s today to return it.
It would have been nice if that notice had been printed on the box that the LED came in.

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Bull. You are one of the most uninformed know-it-alls on I’ve ever run across. The mercury in a CFL is very very small. It becomes toxic when millions are thrown in the trash and it starts to accumulate. Businesses all over the world still use the long tube fluorescent lights. The amount of Mercury released when broken has been studied for DECADES. And it’s about equivalent to eating one fish dinner. Another one of your Fox Conspiracy Theories.

How Dangerous Is Broken Fluorescent Bulb? Ask the Experts - AARP B

The Facts about Light Bulbs and Mercury | NRDC


I have found that it worthwhile to consider who owns a newspaper or network to determine whether a story is based on objective observations or the owner’s agenda and what that agenda is.

And when watching or reading news I am reminded that there are 2 kinds of people in the world; 1) Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.


If that was your point then you never should have made the political statement. As long as you keep making those stupid political conspiracy comments then I’ll respond.

@VDCdriver You may be able to find a T5 fluorescent LED replacement that is direct wire. You just bypass or remove the ballast coil and wire the power source to one end of the fixture. I did this when I replaced all the T12 fluorescent bulbs at my church.

It wasn’t the first, from the reports I read. Insurance companies are happy to sell policies for this, and they have determined that it’s cheaper to pay the ransom. Colonial was insured, so all its insurer’s customers will pay. Norway’s state gas company refused to pay, paid some $50M to recover, far more than the ransom. Ireland’s national health service is refusing to pay now, faces a prospect of paying more to recover. This is one of those cases I want government to intervene, sell insurance that funds recovery as long as ransoms aren’t paid. We subsidize flood insurance. A concerted effort would make ransomware unprofitable, save money for all of us in the long run (as opposed to flood insurance, which costs us all money.)

I heat with gas (natural).

'The Colonial Pipeline shutdown and subsequent gas shortage has produced its fair share of hysteria-fueled incidents in the Southeast, but Jesse Smith, 25, of Griffin, Georgia, may have set the bar. Police there were able to track down and arrest the would-be thief after he attempted to steal gas from a U-Haul truck on May 12 by drilling holes in its tank, resulting in a huge hazardous materials mess ... and no looted gas. WSB-TV reported that Smith was long gone by the time his handiwork was discovered, but security cameras in the U-Haul lot caught Smith walking around the trucks, and a camera trained on the area behind the KFC where Smith parked his own truck caught his hopeful arrival and the walk of shame that followed his failed gas heist. [WSB-TV 2, 5/13/2021]'

@RandomTroll “I heat with gas (natural)”.
It doesn’t matter what your energy source is for heating an indoor space. The heat given off by light bulb, and particularly an incandescent bulb adds heat to the space. In a house, it may not be really significant, but in big institutions, the amount of heat generated from the lighting may be significant.

I pay less per BTU with natural gas. It costs more for AC to remove a BTU than for a furnace to add one.

DarkSide, Blamed for Colonial Pipeline Attack, Says It Is Shutting Down - The New York Times

Unfortunately there are HUNDREDS of people/organizations that share this information and will step in to fill any gap. I know of at least 10 different orgs (or people) that are doing this today. Most are out of Russia, China and India. There are also at least one in Canada.

The fix is for these companies to follow the security guidelines and best practices. Systems we design are very secure. It’s extremely difficult for anyone to get in and plant a virus. It would almost have to be done on the inside. Making it as difficult as possible and the criminals move on to easier targets.

It depends on a lot of things: a/c SEER rating, heater efficiency, electric cost, and gas cost. On an energy basis, the a/c gets a lot more nuts out than a heater puts in.

@texases @RandomTroll My only point was that in cold weather when one is heating an interior space, the incandescent light bulbs, of which 98% of the electrical energy consumed by the bulb is turned into heat, this adds to the heat in the interior space. It doesn’t matter whether the primary source is providing the heat through a furnace or boiler is gas fired, oil fired or coal fired or heat provided by electrical resistance coils it a heat pump. I am not advocating replacing the primary heat source with incandescent light bulbs. If a person needs to have the lights on to see when the interior space has to be heated. the heat generated is not going to waste. On the other hand, in the summer, the heat generated by the light bulbs does put an added load on the air conditioning in the interior space because the added heat must be transferred out of the area.
Overall, while LED lighting is not adding to the heat in an interior space as incandescent lighting or fluorescent lighting is adding, there is not a savings if, for the same amount of illumination, the lights have to be on, in the summer where the heat has to removed, there is a savings using LED lighting.

It also depends on outdoor temperature. Moving heat sideways requires little energy. Moving it uphill (from a low temperature to a high temperature) takes more energy. Take heat downhill (from a high temperature to a low temperature) and it can give back energy.

A heat pump running backwards is a steam engine or a closed Rankine cycle engine, though the Brayton cycle can also be used as a refrigerator. When you feel ice cold air coming from the exhaust of a pneumatic tool, you have reverse Brayton cycle refrigeration.