'Snapchat Ends "Speed Filter" That Critics Say Encouraged Reckless Driving'

Snapchat Ends 'Speed Filter' That Critics Say Encouraged Reckless Driving : NPR ! Kids brag they’ll do 100, use SnapChat to prove it. Remember ‘Let’s not and say we did’? Now it’s ‘pix or it didn’t happen.’

It’s not going to stop anything. At least not with the crowd that knows what they’re doing. I use a GPS speedo myself to check the accuracy of speedometers in cars I haven’t driven before. It’s got a feature where it will stay on the screen no matter what app you open. So just open the camera app, have that up, and take a screenshot…

That notwithstanding, it is kind of amazing that anyone thought integrating a speedometer with a camera app was a good idea in the first place.