Screw in the tire!

I’ve had the occasional screw and the occasional nail occasionally. Especially after I had my house roofed and during the construction project (new building) at work.

Yeah, it happens. It’s life. The probablility of it happening is directly proportional to how much you drive near a construction project.

Laws of physics? I recall after the shuttle Endeavor sustained wing damage and disintegrated on reentry. The engineers at NASA said there was no way it could have come from the foam insulation. It was too soft, too lacking in inertia. So NASA conducted a test. The fired a piece of foam insulation the same size as the one missing on the shuttle’s nose at an actual wing leading-edge at the same velocity that they calculated that it hit the wing. That little piece of insulation blew right through the wing, left a hole the size of a basketball. NOVA has a TV special showing the test.