Saving the blinker

Since driving in 1968, I have worn out and replaced many things, but a blinker control was never a thing I minded using or needed to replace.

Rod Knox–Ever watch “Cops”? They purposely pull over cars with burned out lights in order to search for drugs, warrants, weapons, etc. And they often find much more than that!

How many innocent people are harassed for every “criminal” they lock up? But then, maybe some cops enjoy harassing the public. It seems so.

Rod Knox–Ever watch “Cops”? They purposely pull over cars with burned out lights in order to search for drugs, warrants, weapons, etc. And they often find much more than that!

I guess it depends on the state…But here in NH and I know in NY the police can’t just search a car. They need probable cause. And a burned out light isn’t probable cause.

@texases - I’m a great believer in habits = no need to think.

Turn? Blinker on. No need to decide how much traffic, etc.

EXACTLY…Putting the blinker on or stopping at a red light all the time becomes a habit. It’s like driving a manual transmission. I don’t have to think about it…It just happens. I even turn my blinker on turning in my driveway which is a very secluded street and hardly ever a car around. When it’s a habit you’re unlikely NOT to do it when it really matters (i.e. stopping at a red light when there’s traffic…or turning your blinker on when changing lanes during rush-hour).

Simon says sit… Simon says stand… Simon says scratch your but…

Laws and regulations are supposed to serve and protect the innocent, not be an excuse for law enforcement to harass them. And I feel quite certain that my driving technique is quite safe for myself and all responsible drivers on the road with me. And on a deserted stretch of road I slow considerably when approaching a stop sign but feel no obligation to stop and count to ten before proceeding and if turning at that deserted crossroads it would be unlikely that my blinker would be flashing to appease the gods on Mount Olympus.

The car you might not see could be the guy wanting to save on his headlights! :wink: