Save the Planet


Wood seem like Carma, to me.

Maybe this is a make-up for the tree that killed my Ford Club Wagon back in 1995…


A wet microburst caused the 70mph winds that blew this 100+yr old tree down in my co-workers yard, You can mainly see a wheel at the bottom of the picture but there’s a 2004 Dodge Durango under the tree.

Truck looked like it had been rolled a couple times once they removed the tree, fell in a couple seconds from the video they posted at the time. Hopefully a once in a lifetime storm for this area that happened back in 2017.

Carmikaze tree, sacrifices self in defense of the planet, film at 11…

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A tornado came through my neighborhood in Cedar Rapids; fortunately it passed my house. Just 4 blocks away a huge tree in front of a small house whose yard was about 3 feet higher than the sidewalk crushed the pickup in front of the house, bent the frame down to the pavement, blocked the whole road. The uprooting dug up almost all of the front yard. I wish I had a picture.

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