Replaceing Exhaust

hi i have a 1972 super beetle i want to get the Stinger Exhaust but i want to know if i can still us the heater with it i ges its called heater box? i cant find my vw book so i am asking on here

Most Don’t Support Heat, But A Quick Search Found At Least One Available.

The ones pictured would be pipes that replace heater boxes. I don’t see a picture of the others that work with your heater boxes, but they sell them. See the parts descriptions.

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Back in 1972 you could buy exhaust systems that would use the existing heater boxes, have new heater boxes (heater boxes tended to rust out and it could be really cold in the winter) or would eliminate the heater boxes. Sorry I don’t know what is available today, but if you search for Original Beetle newsgroups you should find what you need.