I have a 1996 Honda accord and the dealer told me the SRS box is shot, so did my non-dealer mechanic. I want to go dig one out of a car in a junk yard and take it to my mechanic to install (I talked to him and he’s cool with that).
There are some junk yards near me that offer 30 day warranties, so it’s nothing out of my pocket if the box is bad (my mechanic will test it for free).
So there are two questions:
1) Where in the car is the box located and how do I get it out?
2) Are there year to year difference in the SRS boxes (94-97 accord models didn’t change much), or do I have to find one from the non-power lock/window 1996 accord?
Sorry, forgot to mention that my accord is the kind without any power locks or windows, and I assume that will mean an SRS for an accord with power locks and windows wouldn’t work.