Remove back seat from 2023 RX350h. Cause error code?

There are certain posters on here that I just read for entertainment purposes only, I don’t put much stock, if any, in what is said… but I guess it falls under free speech like it or not (or agree with it or not)…

But the blending of multiple words is just plain childish and irritating (and a few more words that goes against forum rules so I can not say lol) as has already been said by others…

Remember if you don’t like someone you can always block them…

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Picking up people has changed, I was a kid in kindergarten, got lost, standing on a street corner. A guy in a city garbage truck took me home after a number of stops. Got home before sunset, mom never knew. Probably today a police call and child neglect charges.

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And in today’s world, the mom would probably try to get the “guy in a city garbage truck” charged with a crime


I have read about this on several sites…

“Mother gets confronted by police while walking young son home from doctor”

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Robert’s Gift is storytelling, whatever he says, take it with a truck load of salt…

He tells us how he save lives by driving his personal vehicle at 130 plus MPH carrying blood for dying people, he tells us how he picks up strangers (by the busload no less) and transports them, with their menagerie, hundreds of mile and he even has repeat customers…

I am going to add him to my list of Famous Story Tellers like Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, JK Rowling, Steven Spielberg, Hans Christian Andersen, Lewis Carroll, and Walt Disney.

It’s just too bad that his stories are all self-aggrandizing and do not contain a moral

Yes, but they didn’t attempt to run words together in an annoying fashion, and I think that none of those writers wrote with the sole purpose of annoying people.


As I have said before

Funny how a dash cam is always used and video is kept for 2 years, but never seen a video of him doing 130 MPH… lol


I believe most Toyota vehicles are electronically limited to less than that.

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Looks like his is limited to 129 mph, if I read it correctly, but it is almost impossible to drive up against the speed limiter, ask me how I know… lol… 120-125 mph is much more realistic, rather he is even getting that high or not, isn’t known for sure… My Intrepid was speed limited to 118 mph, I could hold it around 112-115 mph for a long while…

EDIT: looks like factory claim is 112 mph, and without speed governor is 129 mph… :man_shrugging:

Like the doctors waiting room!

Why difficult to believe?
The most hitchhikers at once was the Cheyenne 5, plus their two dogs, after an emergentransport to United Blood Services. Saw them when heading into Cheyenne.
Still there when leaving. They reminded me of 1960’s hippies.

The man heading east out of Colorado Springs. His father is an MD. His mother had just died when she got out to open the garage door. Her SUV backed and the open door crushed her against a tree. (A week earlier I read it in the news.)
Then I saw a second hitchhiker and picked him up.
Then a third. All heading east into Kansas. All had been in jail, and, comparing their experiences, made the 151-mile drive from Colorado Springs to the hospital in Burlington most interesting!
The semi tractortrailer driver told much about driving big rigs.

Yes, surprised to pick up the same man, twice!
Have picked up John twice and the third time got his cell phone number to call thextime I head to the Alamosa hospital! I call when 20 minutes away and he meets me on CO 160.

The RX350 emergencyehicle cruising at 110 on a vacant rural Interstate highway attained 130 after the hospital called and asked me to speed it up for a 13-year-old in postpartum hemorrhage.
(Same speed Kansas farmers drive their King Ranch Excursions on I-70 to Denver.)

Critiquing my driving on the dashcam video, I saw that it read 130 mph.

Now home after a bloodelivery.
On emergent transports I am looking at the road for any kind of hazard/problem - not the speedometer.
When critiquing my driving, I was surprised when the dash cam video indicated 130. Smooth, stable ride. But much wind noise drowning out road noise.

I should learn how to post the videos on YouTube. Many hospital personnel want to see what happens on their emergent transports.

Surprised that the 2021 RX350 would attain 130, especially considering the wind resistance caused by the light bar. Perhaps the light bar is in a slight vacuum caused by air deflected above the roof by the windshield.
(Wish that the LED lamps could be placed behind the windshield, but that would be too difficult and destructive to the interior.) The light bar is attached with just two holes 6-1/2 inches apart in each roof rack rail. A 1/4-inch bolt screws into 1/2-inch rubber cylinders, expansion nuts?, which expand inside the roof rail when tightened.

Would have to figure out how to transfer video from the 32GB micro SD card to Youtube. Such would require thought and I do not want to hurt myself.
Also must remove communications with city, county and state law enforcement agencies and hospitals.
Somewhere in the cellphone is a photo of the speedometer reading 130.

With the accelerator pedal not depressed much, it seemed as though the RX350 could go faster.
But I had to start coasting because of vehicles ahead. (Try to not pass anyone 20 mph over their speed.)
What is surprising is why an RX350 could attain 130 mph. The Expedition would start “missing” at 114 mph, I recall.

Step 1 - Get a card reader like the ones on this page. Usually under 10 bucks.

Step 2 - Insert card into the Card Reader. Plug Card Reader into USB slot on PC and copy files to PC.

Step 3 - Create a Youtube account. And follow instructions on Youtube for uploading a video.

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