Ray is only answering one question a week

Not technically about the show, but I read Ray’s column each week and only one question is being answered per week now, down from two or maybe three.

Kow do you get Ray column It disappeared from our newspaper a long time ago.


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Maybe after all these years Ray has reached a point where 1 stupid question a week is enough.


I read Ray’s column each time it’s published here. It’s pretty informative. 2x per week, once a week, once a month, whatever he likes is fine by me. Today’s column is whether there’s anything a car owner can do to preserve the life of their CV boots. Ray says there isn’t, but I find that my Corolla’s CV boots last longer if I take time to keep them clean. Any dirt on the surface seems to abrade the rotating pleats. I clean the CV boots, esp inside the pleats, as part of my diy’er oil change routine. I’m waiting for the oil to drain anyway, a good time for these sorts of jobs.

Hi all,

This is Julie, managing editor of Car Talk. Just wanted to address this thread.

Ray is still answering Dear Car Talk questions, but the publication schedule of them has been changed to once a week. This was a decision that was made by Hearst and Car Talk together.

This new schedule was implemented in March. It allows Ray to test drive more cars and have more vacation time. I think we can all agree, he has certainly earned as much vacation time as he would like!

All Dear Car Talk questions come straight to me. And there are a lot of submissions each week, I am happy to say!

I can answer any questions you have on this thread, if you like.

Hope everyone is having a lovely day!


Here’s my problem - the question/answer now shows up on the web site before it shows up in my Saturday paper, which I had enjoyed reading. Big problem, I know!

@texases I’m sorry about that!

The newspapers have all week to run it, starting on the Monday of that week. It is up to their Editorial team, when it gets run.

We put it on the website at the beginning of the publishing week, so users have all week to read it.

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George, this task, coupled with the many others you’ve listed in the past (cleaning the cowl drains, lubing various locks and hinges, etc) leads me to the conclusion a typical oil change if yours takes at least 40 hours!

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Yes I have never ever considered cleaning the boots. It’s not something I will likely add to my oil change routine. While the oil is draining I usually use the time to record the event in my maintenance book or get the filter ready. I usually allot 30 minutes to the task not including changing clothes and a shower.

I’ll grant an oil change takes me longer than if I didn’t clean the CV boots, but 40 hours? That might be a bit of an exaggeration? … lol … Its a worthwhile question whether taking the extra time makes sense. That of course depends on how much it extends the life of the boots.