(PC gaming) Well. Today I discovered that this exists:

I’m not very keen on heights although airplanes don’t phase me a bit. A friend of mine who has worked for the phone company for decades told me that when he first hired on the policy was that the “new guy” is the one to climb the towers and replace any burned out bulbs. He was pretty antsy over that and he’s an ex-Marine combat vet who served in Viet Nam.

Worse would be those guys having to rappel down the blades on wind turbines for crack inspections. There’s nothing to make a frantic grab for if something goes wrong… :frowning:

I’m generally not phased by heights at all, but that video had me cringing start to finish. Whatever those guys get paid, it’s not enough.

@bscar2 I can’t do the first person shooter games for the same reason. Most of them make me incredibly nauseous. Only the Deus Ex series so far has been playable without me getting sick. Oddly enough, I don’t get sick from first person driving games - I think it’s got something to do with the head-bobbing effect most walking games put in there.

Good morning - maybe this will loop back to driving, and though it is interesting, it appears to be staying off-topic. Could you kindly bring it back? Thanks.

Speaking of that car simulator game . . .

I just checked out the demo, and I got the impression the designers aren’t in the US. The look of the shop, the lift, tools, etc. made me think of a european shop. In most shops, the drive-on rack would be reserved for the heavy duty/alignment guy. And using that little scissors jack was just too much

It was funny how those caliper bolts were removed towards the outside. Everything I’ve worked on, the caliper bolts remove towards the inside

It was also quite humorous, when the guy removed the “faulty” control arm, it just disintegrated. I presume it was rusty . . .

I’m not even sure it would be fun for my 6 year old nephew. He’d probably lose interest after 5 minutes

I think you get new garages as you advance through the game. I got the impression of a 1920’s-vintage garage from the one in the demo, but the game sucks too much to waste money on to find out for sure :wink: But yeah, that little van thing they have you work on in the demo looks quite Euro to me.

Certainly doesn’t really belong in the “simulator” genre, does it.

Played Mario cart with the kid, she is 29 and we still enjoy it. She is very smart, I am not impressed with todays leaders.