Passenger side car is getting wet after rain

Lately, I’ve noticed that after rain, passenger side carpet is getting wet. Any clue what I should be looking for to fix this. I can say for certainty that it happens only during/after rain. Any ideas what could be going wrong ?

Nissan Maxima 2000 GLE
It has a sunroof

"Nissan Maxima 2000 GLE It has a sunroof

Bingo!  Sun roofs are common problems.  If the drain gets blocked by dust, leaves etc. then it is going to leak.  There usually are four drains and each must be working.  A string trimmer line is  the usual tool to clear out the clog.  

 You can also use that same string trimmer line if it is the drain from the A/C drain or the drain for the area under the grill in front of the wind screen  

Good Luck

Do you hear water sloshing in the dash board? If so, it is likely the A/C (evaporator) drain. You probably have a rubber hose attached to the firewall at the drain. Pull the hose off and clean it. Poke the string trimmer line into the drain hole. It should go back about 5 inches. I just did this with my 1998 Buick Regal and used the back end of a drill bit. It met no resistance until it was about 5 inches in. I think I was pressing on the evaporator. You don’t want to poke a hole in the evaporator, so use a blunt instrument or the string trimmer line. It sloshed and gurgled on a test drive after the cleaning, but my daughter said there was no more noise the next day. I guess it just took a little time to fully drain.

If you have a cabin filter then it’s very possible rain water is getting past the plastic shroud of the filter. It is somewhat a common problem and can be corrected.