So I’ve got juice in the battery (headlights come on, etc.) I just can’t get ignition and the starter has been replaced 3 times, the battery once. After each repair the thing will crank for a few days. It’s really a hit or miss thing. I’ve never had this problem before but it’s kinda difficult to get to class on time when you never know if you’re car will start. Any suggestions?
Sounds like your “mechanic” is just throwing parts at it. But even I will at least throw different parts at it, not the same one over and over again. You may need a second opinion.
It helps YOU to tell US what it DOES do. Start at the beginning. You turn the ignition key to start, and WHAT happens?
I really trust my mechanic and aside from the first starter this issue hasn’t cost me a dime. he’s covered the towing and all the subsequent repairs.
well when i turn the key all the indicator lights, radio, dome lights, etc. come on and i hear a click but no other sound coming from the engine.
However, I recently tried to jiggle the gear shifter (automatic), that didn’t work so I shifted into neutral and it reluctantly cranked. then i turned it off and shifted back into park and the car cranked up normally.
This whole deal is just bizarre!
However, I recently tried to jiggle the gear shifter (automatic), that didn’t work so I shifted into neutral and it reluctantly cranked. then i turned it off and shifted back into park and the car cranked up normally.
I would guess a neutral safety switch.