
was at the mall setting in the car the other day.and a fellow came out.took gas cap off his car and pour a bottle of rubbing alcohol in the tank.i have never seen that before why would anyone pour rubbing alcohol in gas tank.

Are you sure it wasn’t a product like “Gumout” or some similar fuel system cleaner? Did you actually see the bottle/label? It is a similar size and shape.

There is an old wive’s tale that made the rounds a few years ago. Seems some people think that putting rubbing alcohol in the gas tank will help you pass emissions testing. It’s bogus…just like putting acetone in the gas tank to increase gas mileage.

Rubbing alcohol is often mostly ethanol with enough isopropyl alcohol to make it undrinkable. He just made his E10 gasoline E10 and a quarter.

Gasoline with ethanol is bad enough. I wonder why anyone would want to make it worse?

…actually, if the bottle was indeed “rubbing alcohol”, then that guy unconsciously added a few ounces of water to his tank.

The type of “rubbing alcohol” found in drug stores is usually labeled “70%”, with the other 30% being…water. So, if he added a pint bottle of this stuff to his tank, he actually wound up putting almost 5 ounces of water into the tank.

There is also “91%” rubbing alcohol, which is a bit harder to find. However, a pint of this stuff would still result in almost 2 ounces of water being added to the tank.

Whatever this person’s goal might have been, I doubt that adding water to his tank helped him to achieve that goal.

You asked why they’d do that?
Because they’re gullible. Some people just are. They lack the physics, science, and/or critical thinking foundation to see through myths.

Many years ago I was a member of a group if pranksters (engineers) at work. We had a lovely young lady, a recent HS grad, join us in a clerical position. She overheard us talking about spring cleanup. One of us was alluding to raking stones up. She asked why there’d be stones, and one of us said “stones grow faster in the winter. Haven’t you ever noticed the stones when you rake in the spring?”. By the time she walked away we had her fully convinced that (a) atones grow, and (b) that they grow faster in winter. If that young lady happens to read this, you have my sincerest apology. We were young and “full of beans”. We meant no harm.

You asked why they'd do that? Because they're gullible. Some people just are. They lack the physics, science, and/or critical thinking foundation to see through myths.

There’s still idiots living in the modern world who believe the earth is flat. And people have doubts that other people could be gullible enough to believe in Ghosts and witches and that rubbing alcohol was good for an Internal Combustion Engine.

Yup. There’s still people that claim man never walked on the moon, and people that cliam the holocaust never happened. They believe these things to be hoaxes.

Now the alien landing at Roswell, THAT was REAL!

And dont forget the people that think the government loves them-Kevin

And dont forget the people that think the government loves them-Kevin

And don’t forget the people that think Big Business is efficient and altruistic. And we all should just bow down and do what ever they say…after all they are only in business to help us.

And don’t forget the biggest myth of all…“I am from the Government and I am here to help!”

and the second biggest “we are happy you are here.”

Yes, there are people who are pretty dense.

For the record, I’ll trust business over the government any day. The lowliest bureaucrat can do much more harm to a person than any big business will.

I'll trust business over the government any day. The lowliest bureaucrat can do much more harm to a person than any big business will.

I’ll trust a small business…but NOT a large business…A large corporation can do much much more harm then one bureaucrat…After all they can OWN 30-40 bureaucrats in very high positions. And not to mention the lack of accountability they have.

I trust the guys that own the bureaucrats more than I trust the bureaucrats… not by much, you understand.

Above all…let’s not forget that Corporations are people, and are entitled to the same rights and protections as are the citizens of the US. (sarcasm intentional)

I will agree that Corporations are people as soon as a corporation is sent to prison for wrongdoing.

Ufda. “For the record, I’ll trust business over the government any day. The lowliest bureaucrat can do much more harm to a person than any big business will.”

Where to start? I don’t want to start anything but anyone hear about the banking mortgage crisis? Or GM mismanagement causing thousands of jobs, or Henry Ford in 1939, or or . . . Sorry but big business can be just as corrupt as small business-the impact is just greater. Don’t drink the kool aid thinking all they want to do is create jobs.

The one I like though is “Your call is important to us”. No its not. Otherwise they’d have someone available to answer the call. Money is important to them and its cheaper to have a machine answer or someone with an Indian accent. Yeah I’ve done it too to save money, but I don’t lie about it.

OMG Mike, I agree,profit as an end all can shove some of the little people under the rug,altruism has taken a big hit since the days when we were Kids.It just seems a little worse now,I’m old fashioned, love to give breaks.But sadly am still waiting for reciporcation in most cases-Kevin

For all the problems with the economy these days there is plenty of blame to go around.