Mountainbike has a point about nitrous. I have never even considered the possibililty that someone would go the Fast and Furious route on a Prius.
It would make sense though that someone would pull a nitrous system off before getting rid of the car and decided to not mess with pulling cheap switches or possibly some wiring.
And all this time I thought I was kidding about the nitro…
A Prius drivetrain would tolerate the nitro boost for… 43 milliseconds? Maybe? Or until a connecting rod pops through a block wall. You think that sound is a “bang” but it’s really the connecting rod yelling “I’m free, I’m free, finally I’m free!”.
I was at the drag races in Wichita, KS one night about 10 or so years ago and some guy in a 4th generation Camaro SS had a nitrous explosion in front of me. I was sitting on the top row of the bleachers with a small crowd at the time.
There was a huge boom and bright orange glow, the hood bowed up and something black and like a dish came sailing out from underneath the hood right towards my head. I ducked down quickly and whatever it was went flying over me by about 6 feet and landed out in the pit area behind the bleachers.
Got to have the nitrous and gas mix just right or that stuff will happen.
I’ve heard lots of stories of kids blowing up their motors with that stuff. They think it’s a simple, bolt-on way to get enormous horsepower without realizing that the motor wasn’t designed to survive that big an explosion. That stuff should be left to the pros, who understand how to beef up the engine’s innards to survive the extra forces and have the budget to do so.
I guess I have to place a lot of the blame on the marketers, who promote nitreous-oxide systems as easy bolt-on horsepower.
Maybe the previous owner was a drug runner and the switches turn off the running lights and brake lights to stay stealth ?
Really, after all these posts…if they can’t tell you what they do ? NO sale.
I’ve added on many things like lights and amps and always tell the new owner exactly how they work.
When I built my house in 76, I had switches for the pool that I could turn the lights and filter on from inside the house. Then I had a special circuit and switch for the air compressor, etc. I did lots of stuff just for me. When we sold it, I explained everything to the new folks. Then they sold, then it got sold again. Somewhere in there the pool came out and I’m sure someone is flipping the switches by the downstairs door wondering what the heck they are for. I 'spose I could waddle over there and talk to him but he looks kinda grumpy plus he took down my five sided playhouse on stilts with the sand box, trap door, working windows, and fire pole. Kinda ticks me off more than changing the color that we specifically chose.
If I ever move again, I’ll put some tags on the switches. This is for the pool table light that isn’t used because we never got a pool table. This one is for the outside patio lights that we decided not to put in. This one is for . . .
Years ago, I worked in the audio-visual department in a college library. This was back in the late 1950s and only one wing of the library was air conditioned. The women who worked in this wing were always complaining about being either too warm or too cold. One day the janitor came to see me and said he had a job for me. He gave me a key to the mechanical room. He showed me a knob and said “When you get a complaint that it is too warm, turn the knob clockwise. If you get a complaint that it is too cold, turn the knob in the other directions. Be sure the complainer sees you turn the knob. Then go over and check the gauges on the control panel. Then say ‘The temperature will correct. Itself in about 15 minutes’”. When I asked him what the knob did, he replied " Absolutely nothing but don’t tell anybody. It works every time". Maybe the former owner of the Prius had a significant other that was always, too hot or too cold. The switches were put in that do nothing. When the passenger complained about being too warm, the driver tuened the " cool" switch. When the passenger complained about being too cold, the driver flipped the “heat” switch.
One is for cold fusion and the other is for dumping the pile in case of warm fission. In any case, you probably don’t want to know unless other Prius models have them. Then they will be in an owner’s manual, but I guess not.