My Tech Is A Butcher

Great it worked out. This site has some good info sometimes

Now, everyone just take a deep breath and relax.

If this IS a body shop, and the tech is new, it’s not a complete surprise that the proper procedure wouldn’t jump right to mind. Most FWD cars don’t use this retention method for the halfshafts.

Now, let’s get back to the business of making the world safe for cars and drivers.

ahhhh! all better now took a paxil.

meaneyedcatz, after acquainting myself with this site over the past few days, I have come to realize that most of the posts are either not car related or lack useful advice. If you want real help, you have to either comb through 75% of the crap on this forum or go to another site. If you simply have free time to debate issues that lack meaning, this is the place. Want opinions about which oil is best? This is the place. Want civilized and professional help? You are better off going elsewhere. Just look at this thread as an example of impolite behavior you will find here. It is indicative of the behavior of many of the regulars.

no this is what happens when your heading READS and I quote “MY TECH IS A BUTCHER” you insult and demene every tech on this site,that’s the reason this thread went soooo bad. choose your words a little more carefully next time,and you will be surprised how well it will go.i know not everybody knows everything,including my self.but the words were a little HARSH,ask a proper question get a proper response.


How do you know his tech isn’t a butcher? If his tech is a butcher, why would you take that personally? Why would his tech’s professionalism reflect your own? Are you related? Did you go to the same school? Or do you have a chip on your shoulder?

i totally agree with you. provides little info, bad mouths the tech, threatens the tech with no more work (a REAL bad thing to do), and laughs about the whole thing after overlooking the obvious.
sad. :frowning:

yep im his brother, i know nothing about this guy,wish i did though,but you are correct to assume someone elese faults as my own,and the chip fell off years ago,when i relized i was human,i think!

Are you meaneyedcatz’s brother, Ron? If you don’t like it here or think it’s all crap, then what are you doing here still? No one is forcing you to volunteer your time here.

I’ve gained a lot of useful knowledge and help on this forum, and compared to others I’ve been on, there are a lot more real mechanics here vs. smart asses who just dole out “advice” based on their very limited, non-professional experiences.

Ask a question properly and you’ll get a decent answer almost always. Sorry if you got your feelings hurt in the “child seat in older car” thread, perhaps you are very sensitive? People are allowed to voice their opinions, I think you’d agree with that. Don’t take everything so personally.

well said.

Thanks for demonstrating my observations! I haven’t taken anything personally. I simply noted my observations and you have shown that I was 100% right. You and many others have interpreted an attack on some unknown hack as an attack on all technicians. Maybe you shouldn’t take everything so personally.

You can’t get much clearer than “Do any of you guys have any knowledge on removing this axle out of the transaxle?” It’s a “yes” or “no” question that has you sensitive folks flaming like wounded children.

There’s the sensitivity talking, misinterpreting things. No one’s “flaming like wounded children”.
Why are you still here, Ron? This place is “75% crap”, right!

The title of the thread is “My Tech Is a Butcher”, from a shop owner asking how to perform what should be a simple procedure for a professional, and indicating he would be punishing the person (“butcher”) HE hired for having trouble with this. And you’re surprised he got some flack? What world do you live in?

rons little super hero world,looking down on us mere mortals,

Jad2007 just stop feeding the dude and he’ll go away,he loves the controversy, and will not stop as long as he gets to rile someone up,the post should have been dead long ago LMAO!

Is this how you operate? You try to push out anyone who disagrees with you? Nice.

I am still here because there are obviously people who are gentlemen…people like NYBo, tester, ok4450, etc. I even think Craig is a gentleman. We disagree but he hasn’t made the debate personal and he hasn’t been rude like you have. So I will continue to tolerate your hate speech in order to look for actual knowledge form the gentlemen who reside here.

All I did was ask the question “How do you know his tech isn’t a butcher?” You don’t, and if he is, well, then this whole discussion is a waste of time. I really feel sorry for haters like you.

This IS a waste of time. How can you describe my posts as “hateful”? I really don’t understand you. “even think” Craig is a gentleman? Why does he almost get disincluded from that list of gentlemen?

I merely questioned your statement describing this forum as (your words) 75% crap…if that opinion has changed, then great… I really don’t care if I don’t make it in your gentleman list.

Me thinks this has been beat to death enough. Time to move on lads!