They don’t say if the guy worked there, was a customer, or what, but they strangled his with a phone cord, gave him several wedgies, among other things.
Will be interesting to read about the employee’s say about this.
If an investigation shows that the allegations are true, then the guilty ones have more than just the lawsuit to be concerned about. It sounds like assault, and it might also be classified as hate crimes. I hope it’s not true, but someone did bring the complaint. I wonder why a complaint was not registered with the police, however. It seems to me it should have been.
I’d take that story with a grain of salt. The reporter had no problem with asking the dealer for a comment but it should cut both ways. They should provide the name of the guy doing the suing and ask him for comments, along with doing a background check, before publishing something like this.
I’m having a hard time seeing a large well-established dealer like this in which you have a fair number of people doing something like this and also doing it on a regular basis if the story is to be believed.
When I Worked At Car Dealerships We Had A Few Customers Who Deserved A Hanging Wedgie Or Two And Maybe Even A Flying Wedgie. I Could See This Procedure Being A Benefit Rather Than Mistreatment. It Could End Somebody’s Life Run As A Total a%$h#o@l^ e!
I’m not saying it’s right, but we need more information before reaching a logical conclusion. Sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
“I’d take that story with a grain of salt. The reporter had no problem with asking the dealer for a comment but it should cut both ways. THEY SHOULD PROVIDE THE NAME OF THE GUY DOING THE SUING and ask him for comments”
Yeah, they should…but it won’t happen. Almost every news organization has policies in place where they do not identify actual or potential victims of sexual assault, harassment, etc. Put another way…so long as one “character assassinates” via some sort of sexual legal claim, one can do so with relative impunity, as one’s own character is protected with the active assistance of the media.
They don’t say if the guy worked there, was a customer, or what, but they strangled his with a phone cord, gave him several wedgies, among other things.
If an employee of mine did that to another employee…they’d be fired on the spot…No questions asked…Pack your things and get out. With some of our factory workers we have this kind of childish attitude…And we’ve had to address it before it ever escalated to this behavior. For our salaried employees…our biggest problem as far as employee interaction has always been sexual harassment…Which also isn’t tolerated.
If this actually did happen and this person complained to management and NOTHING was done to prevent this from happening again…then the dealership deserves to be sued.
My employers over the last 20 years solved the problem by having charm school every year. We are reminded what harassment is and that it is not tolerated, among other antisocial behavior. It takes about an hour, but it gets the point across. Money well spent.