Looking for a bidirection scan tool

I want to upgrade to an budget entry level bidirectional one. (Not just a code reader.) Autel seems to be good but there are so many models. I am looking for one that can do TPMS. BT is not really needed. Reading the sensors of course is mandatory. Key programming a plus, but I know a lot of new stuff needs internet access. Not going that far. Autel MK808S-TS looks like what I need. Battery testing would be a plus. Vin reading for auto setup would be nice. Mostly going to be used for domestic. (Ford, GM, Toyota) Any other ideas?

I probably won’t be doing any upgrades. At least for a while. By that time I might be into another unit.

I tried a topdon ad500 and it could not program wheel sensors. The instructions didn’t even discuss how to use it. It uses a obd cable and nothing was said about putting unit near each tire. I assume you didn’t have to? It was $150. Your autel model is $300-350? So, it’s better?

Did you find the MK808S-TS for that price? So far best I found was $475-650. Now the MK808S is cheaper but it does not do TPMS. It looks like Autel has 20 different models.(Between $250-2000.) Hard to figure out between them. There is always for a few bucks more you can get…

With a cable I doubt you have to move it between wheels. ???

I will look over that model. Seems to be 1000s of scanners out there.

Why do you need something for the Tpms ? They last 7 to 10 years and most tire shops can check them for you.

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The cars I work on are right about that age and I work on tires myself. If I am going to pay that much money for a decent scan tool I might as well kick in a few more bucks and get a couple more bells and whistles. Most tire shops charge at least twice what the sensors cost cost if you buy them direct.

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Innova: America's No.1 Diagnostic Tool Brand scan tool&msclkid=aaadda5eebb515630a41bdc79d43fee9


I got mine because I cannot access tpms reset via info center. I think I have a bad rcdlr and thought maybe the tool would be a work around.
Seems the s model is cheaper then ts.

I think most scanners do not come with instructions. BTW I did look up that model It can reset 6 functions, and it does not have bidirectional scanning. They do have a new model that does. It shows 32+ functions. It is called a Topdon Phoenix Nano. It looks nice, but it is selling at $570 on Amazon. Something weird on zons site, sometimes it is listing it, then it shows not available. (and shows varying prices.)

Bidirectional is the new technology. It accesses the CAN data line and can actuate sensors and controls from the unit.

I appreciate all the ideas!!

The Autel 808S is cheaper than the 808S-TS. But the 808S model does not support the TPMS functions. I wish Autel was clear on what all the letters mean in the model numbers. I have been hunting what the letters mean. MK prefix supports battery testing. The MX model does not. The 808TS does TPMS, but not engine diagnostics. (or at least not a lot of them.) This is what I have learned, but may not be completely accurate.

https://www.northerntool.com/products/innova-diagnostic-tablet-5in-screen-model-sds50-115073?cm_mmc=Bing-pla&utm_source=Bing_PLA&utm_medium=Automotive > Automotive Repair Tools > Automotive Diagnostics&utm_campaign=Innova&utm_content=115073&cmpid=53403372&agid=3200075881&tgtid=pla-4577473070981036&prdid=115073&ogmap=SHP|PLA|BING|STND|c|SITEWIDE||Auto Repair - SC|Auto Repair - SC||53403372|3200075881&msclkid=ef50ee813ab919c95a69891841ce5566&gclid=ef50ee813ab919c95a69891841ce5566&gclsrc=3p.ds


I could say a unit did not work for me. But, I think I have an issue with my tpms system. So, my failure may erroneously influence your choice to buy same unit. But, you also want bidirectional capability. Do you think you need that? Or just want it?

If I want to upgrade that would be number one. Bidirectional gives you the ability to actuate motors and relays. (But that comes at a cost.) Without that you pretty much scan codes, monitor some pids and maybe a few resets like oil change etc. About where I am now. With an old Actron.

Agree with this.

I don’t quite understand the logic of paying several hundred dollars for specialized tools you might use every 7-10 years. If ever.

I have 2 sitting in drive that I can use it on right now. Longest I can go without pulling out a scanner is maybe 2 months at most. Lately is has been about once a week if not more often. Anymore without a bidirectional you are guessing at part swapping. And that can pay off a good scan tool fast. I guess it depends on how much you work on things. If it is only for your own cars I can agree with not spending money on a good one. But I am a very busy diy. Not a professional. And don’t want to be. I just spent $400 on 2 locksmiths. That could have gone toward a scanner.

Do you two guys buy a new car the first time a warning light illuminates in the old car? Some people buy vehicles that are ten years old, some have friends or family members with ten-year-old cars.

You funny… Sorry my humor. My trucks are not even in this century. I do see people making monthly car payments of $600 and more.

Worst part is, I see quite a few skimping on repairs and oil changes. I guess I am rambling…