Lesabre rattling noise

George , the OP has given up so just drop it .


Dude needs a new tensioner. Said belt is “like new” but they’re not so expensive as to just replace the pair. Ad nauseum.

The ac was removed. A new bypass pulley installed. Proves not the ac. I like to gamble. And you’re going to give me a bet 2 tensioners made the exact same noise? So very unlikely.

It still amazes me how DIYers come on here and ask for help, get it from Pros, then thumb their nose up at it
 Why even ask then???


You may be confusing me w/another poster. In any event, please keep us informed of your findings on this topic.

Yeah. I’ll bet to a lot that 2 tensioners with weak springs will make the exact same noise. “Teeth chattering” I think you said. Bad wheel bearings all pretty much sound the same. Bad CV joints sound the same. Brake pads/shoes that have gone metal on metal sound the same. Bad mufflers/exhaust leaks sound about the same. Shall I go on?

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Put a new tensioner on. No difference in the noise. I put on a new belt. No difference in the noise.

Using a scope the noise is loudest at the oil filter. Oil pressure according to car gauge is 90 at idle higher speeds and at all times. The noise pretty much goes away past idle which is weird if it’s in the engine and that it’s quite w no belt on. But perhaps the tension on the pulley is doing something I so the snfine?

Too high. It should be more like 25-35 at idle and 60-70 at speed.

My Ford v8 truck has an oil pressure gauge on the dashboard. It has always shown 30-40 psi at warm idle, and 50-60 psi at the higher driving speeds. Never has shown 90. I don’t think it even goes to 90. Wondering if @knocksensor is misinterpreting the oil-pressure gauge display, maybe instead of 90, it is actually 9 psi? That seems a possible oil-pressure spec for a newer car (1990+) with a smaller engine, at idle

It clearly says 90. It has a 0 40 and 120 on the gauge. And multiple lines between those numbers enough to represent 10 points for every line. It’s 3 lines or spots down from 120

Is the gauge working correctly? My buddy did say that was high

By the way I just changed the oil and filter maybe 2 months or so ago. Question did it make this noise before doing this? I don’t recall. But probably near that time span.

My first post was may 11. And my memory is never good for things like that but I changed the oil n filter in April or May. I just never thought to associate thst with the noise.

Every engine design is different. Since I have no experience w/that car or engine, it’s possible the gauge is accurate. Since the noise seems to be loudest in the area of the oil filter, combined with your sense that the noise started the same time as you replaced the oil filter, that’s an important finding. Something to hang your hat on. You might want to try replacing the oil filter with an oem version you purchase at a Buick dealership. Most oil filters include a flexible-membrane anti-drain valve, and it’s possible that membrane is vibrating as the oil moves through the filter. Seems unlikely, I’ve never had that problem, but at this stage probably best to go w/theories that are consistent with measured data. While you are at the dealership you can ask them about your oil pressure reading.

This is a 1998 Buick with lots of problems any name brand oil filter from Wally world will work.

The oil pressure regulator spring may be broken or the regulator is stuck. (red)

Remove plug (blue) to remove it with a magnet.



This car doesn’t have many problems at all. It has one and it hasn’t been determined what that one item is.

I drained the oil n filter in that lesabre. Filter was harder to get off than should have and have small gold metal shavings in the oil. What would that be from?

I plan to try to get thet spring out tomorrow if not raining.

Crank bearings.



There’s a photo in the following link that might be interesting. The yellow is probably some type of copper. Do the metal filings look the same color as shown in the photo?

I would say yes very similar to that hold color. Thin flat shavings

Unless your drive your car really hard, like a race car, you may indeed have an oil-system problem.

I don’t drive it very hard.