Keyfob unlocks and pops trunk, but won't lock


Any ideas about this? My keyfobs for my 2008 Accord will unlock the doors and open the trunk, but will not lock the doors.

If you have another keyfob, try it see it locks the doors. If it does, the first keyfob has a problem.

Nope, all keyfobs show the same behavior.

As with all devices that need to be programed initally try a re-program. If re-program is sucessful but still no unlock check for a unlock signal out of module. you may isolate the problem. Wait a minute 2008 what about warranty?. Dealer should look for TSB’s.

If the car is still under warranty, see you dealer. It seems the car is sensing the key is still in the ignition, and the car won’t lock with the key in the ignition.