Just when you thought SUV's were dying someone else enters the field

I have moderated boards, and find rating systems too often turn into childish attacks. Not always but often.

Sheiks as a target buyers is a well founded idea. They often have their own garages, mechanics and health clinics, stocked with doctors from places like John’s Hopkins looking for an inexpensive extended vacation for they and their families. Know one who used to take advantage. That’s serious money !

“irlandes” buying a Sienna and being super rich indicates you have no right winning a lottery. :=) You will need an entourage to avoid problems, not being inconspicuous.

Would our economy be doing better if CAFE standards had severely penalized all non-commercial vehicles that were unable to reach the 25 mpg standard? We might have a 3 cylinder Cummins engine in Dakotas and 4 cylinder Ford-Werke diesel in Rangers. and Explorers.

SUV production slowing down?