Jittery Jetta Electrical Failure

Our VW Jetta 2000 has these problems:

1. Slow initial start in the morning.

2. Dashboard lights up (ABS, Brakes), a beeping sound comes on (not the horn), and car sometimes turns itself while idling at a stop sign or stoplight.

3. Radio turns back on even when keys are out of ignition.

4. Panic alarm goes off when you open the door from the inside.

Can someone please help? We’ve brought our car in several times to our mechanic and the problem keeps coming back. The problem seems to be related to the oil level but we’re not sure how. Sometimes if we top off with new oil, the car behaves. Other times, the oil level is fine…not high, not low…and the car still acts us. Thanks for any advice!

I would suggest you both seperate the issues and not try to find someting common with them. Are you saying that at times the engine dies when vehicle is supposed to be idling? perhaps the beeping sound is not in error, that is the beeping is trying to draw your attention to some issue you should correct (even if it is a low idle speed condition).

Lastly do not try to link these issues with an incorrect oil level condition, unless your car has some device that attempts to notify you with an audible warning in regards to an oil level condition, which I doubt is the case.