Is this poor workmanship?



For exhaust work always use a real muffler shop. If the second shop can fix this either have them do it or return to the first and ask them to solve their mistake.

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I can’t see or read any of this post


Well it was there, I saw it before the OP went back and edited it and screwed it all up, now I can’t see anything either…

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From what I saw from the image, that’s a temporary repair. And what they may have used while doing the repair is exhaust assembly lube which makes sliding the new section of pipe over the rusty section of pipe easier.

If the vehicle is no longer loud. then the temporary repair was successful.

But, the components that are rusted out are going to need to be replaced.


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Ironic if most of the exhaust system around that repair rusts away :joy::joy:

In the original post the exhaust pipe looked very rusty. I suspect the OP wanted to not spend the money to have it replaced.