Is it possible? "Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang"

No, I’m not expecting a car to fly, but is it possible for a car to make a kind of sound like “Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang” similar to the movie?

For those who have no idea, the movie title refers to a car that’s named “Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang” because that’s the sound the motor makes over and over again; each cycle is about a second, and the Bangs seem to be low-volume exhaust bangs. I’m not sure how to describe the Chittys, though.

I Would Do It With Electronics And External Speakers.

Does it have to sound like that inside the car, outside the car, or both?

It was a movie so any resemblance to reality would be an accident.

You might be hearing is a misfire that should be taken care of right away before it causes some serious damage.

@ Bing - You are probably correct, I read the post and thought they wanted their car to make those sounds. The OP should give a better description and forget the movie reference.

Whoa Nellie! Are You Guys Sure? Wow!

Make, Model, Model-Year?
Does it make that sound all the time it’s running?
Does it do it only while starting?
Does it do it only when shutting it off?
Does it run and drive, ok?

If it does it only while shutting it off then it could be caused by “dieseling” or pre-ignition.


Yowsers, time to trade in a clunker that sounds like that!

Definitely not a sound I’d want my engine to make.

Well, the movie was based on a book by Ian Flemming (yes, THAT Ian Flemming) who named the car after a number of 1920’s race cars with aircraft engines which were named “Chitty Bangbang” after the (loud as all hell) sound their engines made at idle.

So… Technically, yeah. Swap in an engine from a Heinkel HE 1 seaplane and you’ve got the original inspiration for the movie car’s name!

Our family had a car, a 40’s Packard as I recall, that would backfire routinely when going uphill for some reason. That was a pretty good car, as a kid I like the sound effects it made. Everyone certainly noticed us on any uphill road!

Tom and Ray told a story on Car Talk about how they’d drive through that long tunnel connecting downtown Boston w/the airport, and to get some major sound effects while in the tunnel purposely turn off the engine ignition briefly, than back on. I think what they said was the engine rotation would continue since they were still moving and it would pump gas into the cylinders, but with no ignition the gas would just go in and right back out and the fuel accumulate in the exhaust system. Then when they turned the ignition back on, ba ba … boom!

Yeas those were the good old days, intentionally creating a backfire. Had some neighbors kids who used to do that, they loved to be driving forward and throw it in reverse and gun it, for tire screech, that kind of ended after a drive shaft busted and buried itself in the asphalt road, avoiding a rabbit they said.

If a modern car made the “chitty-chitty” sound in the above video clip it could be a bad serpentine belt or idler pulley.

And if it made the “bang bang” sound?

The “bang bang” could be the result of driving around in the bad neighborhoods of Chicago, LA, Detroit etc.

LOL, so true, sadly.

now please tell me about Bed Knobs and Broomsticks…

my mom promised to take me to see the movie when I was 5, but we never made it…

The real “Chitty Bang Bang” is a lot neater, to me…

now please tell me about Bed Knobs and Broomsticks....

Erm… Angela Lansbury’s motorcycle is a 1923 Triumph Ricardo. Single cylinder, 4 valve, 20bhp, and could go 70 miles per hour.

… The real one was not, contrary to the movie’s depiction, capable of sustained flight.


Did I Miss Something Here?
What The Heck Is A Bed Knob And Who’s Angela Lansbury?

darn, there was a flyin’ motorcycle in it ?

no CSA, apparently I was the one who missed something…