Interesting video showing idiotic accident

My car was totaled in 99% similar way shown in the video above in 2011. The only difference is that the elderly who crashed into me was coming out of a driveway and had a stop sign on his street, and I was on the main road.

Now, I decided to post this because after watching the video, I happened to get a panic-flashback of the past. Broad daylight and something like this happens? How?

How can’t you not see traffic coming towards you when you are attempting to enter a main road ?

In the accident took place in 2011, I had my left foot broken and it took me 8 months to learn to walk again.


You might recall that I was the passenger in my friend’s Accord when it was T-boned… on the property of a gas station. We had gassed-up, and were headed for the station’s exit when a Lexus SUV careened over the curb on very busy US Route 1, and T-boned us.

The cops confirmed that the crazy woman driving the Lexus was not “impaired”, so that seems to leave only the “incompetent” or “distracted” possibilities, but I’m going with the first one because I heard her tell one of the cops, “The harder I pushed on the brake pedal, the faster it went”.

The cop smirked and softly said, “Yeah, that’s what happens when you floor the gas instead of the brake pedal”.


So, cops assigned no blame? It was an accident? Your insurance fixed ur car. We can’t change anything.

I was very lucky in 2011 when the accident happened. A police officer witnessed the accident while he was hiding behind bushes in hopes to catch speeders.

The interesting thing about that whole thing was that the guy who hit me shared the same name as me, he was an ex-policeman, and his son was an active policeman.

I’m just so grateful a police officer on duty witnessed the accident and handed out the appropriate tickets.

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Do you have a video like this one? If not then it’s your word against the other driver.

That’s why I said previously that I was very lucky to have a police officer witnessed the accident I was involved in.


Where contact occurs can help or hurt you. In the vid, the person going straight hits the front of the car entering the roadway. Even without video, this is evidence the car entered into your path with insufficient room to clear the lane. If the car going straight had hit the other car at the back, it could be argued the car going straight could have stopped if they were paying close enough attention. Seen that happen before to someone.