Interactive website about cars

Hi All,

I remember finding a website that had an incredibly well-done animated/interactive graphic showing a car, its inner workings, and when you clicked on any of the parts on the car it would show what it is, what it does, and how it works with respect to the rest of the vehicle’s system(s).

I feel like it was a feature on one of the major vehicle maintence franchises’ website (like a Meineke, AutoZone, etc).

Has anyone come across a website like this before? I had thought I had bookmarked it to use for future reference, but I guess I didn’t, and would love to find it again.


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I’ve seen something like that on a Chilton’s website IIRC. You might try looking over there. National chain auto parts stores websites also have some animated diagrams, AutoZone, etc, worth taking a look anyway. I don’t recall seeing anything like that for an entire car though. If you find it, please post the link.

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It would be amazing to find that website…I always wished for something like it.

Seems to me as had some kind of multiple choice query to I’d sounds but that’s as much as I remember and less than useful.

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