The tires don’t need to remain in the parking spot for that to happen, in the meantime those tires could easily be rolled to the back of the building. However, with the tires in the parking spot, the busy bodies are not complaining about the size of the vehicle in that spot. Keep their minds busy watching the tires.
I guess some folk missed the reference in the Title of this posting, “ICEing” by any other name… Yeah, it’s technically not ICEing, that’s why I wrote “by any other name…” Rude, Offensive, Inconsiderate, Bullying, Carelessness, Uncouth, and a whole bunch of more explicate names… Like the person in the idling car, blocking the sidewalk, in a fire lane no less…
The purpose of this posting was to give all a chance to tell and share their experiences… So, in spite of the naysayers, I’ve got another “ICEing by a different name…”
Our local library is across the street from a YMCA, the Y has plenty of parking, but when you drive all the way to the Y to exercise, why would you want to park all the way out back and have to walk all the way around the building? Not many do…
So what are these Y’ers doing, they pull into the libraries parking lot because it’s closer to the front door than having to walk all the way around the YMCS’s building…
Also, we have the folks with a gaggle of kids that they do not want to go to the Y with and have to watch them, so what to do with the kids? You take them to the library, dump them there, and let the library staff babysit their kids while they get some “well deserved me time…” So, they pull into the library parking lot, dump the kids at the library and trot over to the Y…
One final point, the library has two FREE charging stations. I’m at the library several times a week as I volunteer there and I often see EVs pulled up into the charging stations, but the EVs are not plugged in, the owners merely use them as private parking spaces… Virginia law is vague about this, as it is only a violation if you park a vehicle not capable of receiving an electric charge in a parking space clearly marked as reserved for charging electric vehicles. The law does not dictate that the EV has to actually use the charging station…
What do you call that?
I call that a time to find a volunteer service that does not annoy you . Or just realize that things are going to done wrong by people and you can’t change that .
Oh, all these parking issues do not bother me, they are just observations. I put them out there so the members can share their experiences and some are funny. I remember last winter, during the height of the blizzards that the major cities ({Edited to remove bad info…}, Boston, etc…) affected reminded their citizens that if someone shovels a parking space, they kind of owned that spot for 48-hours using the “Space Saver Policy” and they used all manner of “Parking Notices to Save the Spot”
So, I say this is “Iceing by another name…”
So, back on point, does this annoy me, not at all… I park in the farthest reaches of the libraries’ lot. It’s under shade and it’s not crowded by “entitled” folks who drive “fancy” European cars who find the distance so arduous and burdensome that they might circle the lot several times impatiently waiting for a closer spot to open and then take two spots…
But I have to ask, if these observations annoy you so much, why do you read them? I do not think that another member’s observation is a long winded rant.
“ICEing” has become part of the vernacular as meaning an Internal Combustion Engine vehicle is taking a spot reserved for an Electric Vehicle. But in the more general definition of this; “Iceing” also means to deny something to someone…
I’m beginning to wonder if your comments are a whole new approach to “Iceing” the comments…
I can’t speak to any issues regarding Boston, but the “fact” that you posted about an official “Space Saver Policy” in NYC is absolutely bogus. The NYC Municipal Government has never endorsed such behavior, and DOT officials periodically remind folks on the nightly news that this type of behavior is not legal.
The relevant NYC statute–4-08(n)(7)–states as follows:
Unofficial reserving of parking space. It shall be unlawful for any person to reserve or attempt to reserve a parking space, or prevent any vehicle from parking on a public street through his/her presence in the roadway, the use of hand-signals, or by placing any box, can, crate, hand-cart, dolly or any other device, including unauthorized pavement, curb or street markings or signs in the roadway.
You are correct, I fell victim to the “Internet Demon” (Fake News…). I grew up in NY State and whenever I hear “news” about NYS or NYC, my ears perk up… I remember seeing this happening in NYC and it was probably being reported that it was illegal and I missed that salient point. I have corrected the erroneous entry in my previous posting. Thanks for pointing that out, I do not want to become the source of fake news as being the basis for a New Yorker saying S/He saw it on the Internet…
The Library and YMCA are both public service organizations, so I’d let them share their parking spaces between them. Want to park at the Library and go to YMCA? No problem. Want to park at the YMCA and go to the Library. No problem.
Saving a public parking space for personal later use? No.
I feel terrible now. Lots of times I return library books late at night when it is dark and no one around. If it is cold, rainy, or snowy, I have parked in the handicap stall because it is a short walk to the book deposit. I could park in the lot instead but I get lazy. Plus I leave the car running so like to keep an eye on it. If I’m ever fined I’ll gladly pay the $200 fine to relieve my guilt.
Small town growing up in the 80s one learns to fiddle with things and make them work…
Or stop working
Whichever we could get away with at the time
Well gee, there oughta be a law. Like said in law class, there has never been a law that someone didn’t want. Clear a space off for someone else to use. I just clear my driveway and the is a law against some stranger using it.
Same thing growing up on a farm in the 60s.
Also rude. And paints a bad picture of EV drivers, stupid moves on their part!
Original poster says “small strip mall,” so I am guessing something like 20 parking spots, maybe 30, tops? To service how many small businesses, like their dentist? It IS the business of those looking out at the lot from their hair/nail salon, RE office, tax prep, hobby shop, etc. to be sure that there is turnover in the lot, that encourages customers to stop in. Even worse on a commercial strip with street parking, which is why metered parking exists there, to keep a turnover of parking spots. People out for a day of shopping go to bigger stores or malls with hundreds of parking spots. Small businesses go under if people cannot get to them easily. Too bad no one got a photo of a license plate while tires were unloaded. But sounds like a threatening situation. Some people just bully their way thru life…