I think this video, is so questionable, any ideas?

Retired so time lost watching video ok. Spark plug possibility? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7Hz-xEstos

Yeah, video sleight of hand. When the black wire touches the bulb it is conveniently off-screen right. It is never shown touching a lighted bulb without the wire being out of frame.

Booouu-Guuussss as the Brothers used to say!


Well, that’s 10 minutes I won’t get back. It is a battery-operated light bulb. he is just completing a circuit.


What? A faked YouTube? Really??? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!!!


I’m not sure of the vdo’s point w/the spark plugs It’s definitely possible to power an electric circuit, light a bulb, spin a fan, etc w/o any direct physical connection to a power source. For example there’s no physical connection at all b/t the moving part of a common induction motor and the stationary part, but it still spins. Just b/c the magnetic field is invisible, it still exists.

Yeah what’s the point? Who cares?

It did remind me of my dad when I was a kid. I had one of those air planes with a wire structure. I broke it. When my dad came home for lunch I got him to solder it back together. He did but then said eat your lunch or all I have to do is touch the wire and it’ll come apart again. I called his bluff and it came apart again. I ate my lunch and he fixed it again before going back to work. Lesson learned in soldering and calling dads bluff. Back when folks had an hour for lunch and lived a mile from work.

I recall someone posted a self powered electric motor video here long ago and the argument was long and hot. The plugs seem from the same Tesla wannabe lab.

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