I am leaving the forum for good

I am posting this thread, which might be reported by the community and eventually removed by a staff member, to inform the very few here that might care about my discontinuance of the community.

I have decided that it’s best that I remove myself to seek advice elsewhere that is more engaging, caring and encouraging. I want to give special thanks to few members here who have helped me tremendously over the past 7 years, starting from Naveda, George, and Dave. There are more names but I can’t recall how to spell their username out. But I’m sure you know who you and very grateful for your help over the years.

I decided to pull the plug by a known troll here who constantly reports my contents and manipulates the moderators on this platform. Even when I brought the attention to the mods that this particularly troll keeps following me around and reporting my contents, “it” still manages to influence the mods and makes my experience here hell.

One way to get rid of this issue is to say goodbye to CarTalk.

Take care guys.


It’s been good to know you for a while @Clueless33 . I’m a James Bond fan so take to your Island roots! Sorry things didn’t work out here.


Good luck. Happy motoring.

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Guess there is more under current here than I knew about. Good luck though.


Good luck, be happy.

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Sorry to see you go, hopefully you return at some point.


The best of luck to ya sir… Life is to short to be stressed over something you have control over…

I find it improbable manipulated monitors are a reality. best wishes.**


Best of luck. Sorry to see you go.

Place is definitely infested with Karen’s and Ken’s. I take long breaks, come back, they’re still here. Amazing what gets “reported” and removed…seriously…full of snowflakes and speech tyrant moderators.

When you squash the free flow of idea/information exchange, you’ve entered the echo chamber. Groups of people, civilizations, have done some really crazy/evil stuff inside the echo chambers they built via “moderating” speech.

Why am I here?

  1. I sometimes get good help, although another site is becoming my “go to”.
  2. I like to help with car problems if I can and stopping in to help now and then is my good karma builder.

And folks who can’t understand this is a car discussion forum, not a ‘politics that might be related to cars’ forum.


The internet allows snowflakes to complain about perceived slights. In the old days they would stay hidden.

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Goodbye. PM me if you find a solution. Now the site will be worse without you. My 15 day suspension from posting here is just over now. I’m not sure what triggered it since there was no warning or anything like that. I’ve had stuff deleted about once every 3 months for the past 2 years. Must have been discussions that were too far off topic of car maintenance and repairs, since the message said please stick to discussing maintenance and repairs.

Well clearly there is stuff going on in the background that is not common knowledge. How did some members know you had been suspended? There must be back door pms or other communications going on unknown to just normal posters. This is really destructive.

@Clueless33 We are sad to see you go! Wishing you all the luck in the world. Remember you can always come to CarTalk.com for free car advice and join us on our Facebook.

Stay well!