I tend to put much more than 0% on the pickup driver. He reminds me of my smart-alecky brother. When he is driving, he imagines he is a cop and a judge and anyone who offends his Royal Majesty MUST BE PUNISHED.
Yeah, the drunk should be keel-hauled. (Does anyone know what keel-hauled was, in the British Navy? It was second in severity of punishment to hanging though it was possible to survive keel hauling.)
But, the pickup driver was the last person who could have caused that wreck not to occur. at least not at that time nor place, If he had simply moved out of the road, odds of any wreck would have dropped considerably.
If you folks really drive defensively, you should be aware that someone driving crazy, probably is. Let him go. He may be nuts; he may be drunk; or he may be armed and dangerous. It is not your job to punish him. Call 911 and let him go.
I was on the factory safety committee for years. Part of my study materials pointed out that when a major disaster happens, there is ALWAYS more than one fault. First, a dangerous condition occurs. Then, other things of slightly lesser danger happen which all add up to a major disaster.
Even with the dangerous condition, if any of the other things is eliminated, chances for a disaster go way down.
Several historical examples involve dance halls.They put up flammable decorations all over the place. a very dangerous condition. Then, stupid management sees people sneaking in the side doors and chains and padlocks them. And, 50 or 250 people burn to death.
In this case, the drunk was the basic dangerous condition. Then, the smart alecky road rage pickup driver turned it into a disaster that could have got people killed.