Hi! Help me out on this please

I saw it like way back like say 11 years or so.
An add I saw on TV which really was nice. Please help me out if you guys see it anywhere or remember about it.
It is like
A son misses his mother as she is staying some other place and the son is staying with his father and as son’s birthday or mom’s birthday is the next day, father surprises the son when he is sleeping by driving him in that car to his mothers place, and the next morning when the son wakes up he sees his mother wishing him.

What car and what TV show?

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Sounds to me like the OP meant a commercial…

And with all do respect, if the OP new what car and what commercial (TV show) he/she would already have the answer… lol

OP, I do remember a commercial like that, but I would never be able to remember any details about it… Sorry…

It was a TV commercial

I think it was a new car commercial.

Just as an aside. Should we also welcome questions like “my car makes a funny noise, the car is blue.”

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Yes, especially if the post includes a couple of paragraphs of totally irrelevant information that has nothing whatsoever to do with the car problem!