Heated garage and frosted windows?

Use the cars ventilation system to keep the air in the car fresh, the is no need to drive with the windows open.

If the moisture was coming from the garage, leaving the car widows open would add moisture to the car, not help to dry it out. The moisture is usually from the people inside the car.

If that was true, (s)he wouldn’t have this problem. It was frosting up with the windows closed before. It’s winter there and tracking in snow and breathing in the car is trapped moisture that needs to get out.

So for what it’s worth, now that construction is complete at least, leaving the windows of the car open while parked in the garage, and not rolling them up until I am out of the garage appears to be sufficient. I haven’t needed to open the moon roof or re-open the windows again later in the trip. So that works fairly easily. Thanks for the suggestions!

Good to know. This question will probably come up again sometime in the future and those of us who will be here then and remember this will be able to pass that on. Thank you.