Hate it (now with 10 characters)

Mrs JT saw one at a local park. We were there with our grandchildren to play and a Cyberturck was parked there. She asked “what is that?” and I told her. I also told her that I thought it was ugly too.

I saw another Cyber-truck a couple of days ago. They seem to be getting more and more common in these parts. The modern version of the Ford Ranchero/Chevy El Camino, half car, half truck. I’ve never taken to the appearance of those older cars either, but many classic owners seem to still like them.

This was posted on a community website in my area, in regard to a Cybertruck:

*Having this eyesore sitting there without being moved for over a month is a disgrace. This thing looks horrendous in our community and looks abandoned. This piece of crap needs to be recycled and moved out of our street. *

Recycling passes on Monday fyi. :grin:

There was also a pic of the truck in question, but I wasn’t able to copy it.

Whoever posted that comment must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed! … lol … As long as neighbor’s vehicles aren’t rudely obstructing my driveway, I have no objection to a neighbor leaving their truck parked on the street for a month. Indefinite parking is ok by me too, if it is parked in front of their own property.

And that’s the thing, isn’t it?

A lot of neighbors have far too many cars than they need, and they’re always shuffling cars around and parking them for days or weeks at a time on the street, in front of someone else’s house . . .

sometimes there are problems when it’s trash day and people can’t properly put out their trash cans because a crew-cab long bed F-250 SuperDuty is parked on the street in front of your house and there’s not enough room to put out the trash cans

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In my town, leaving your vehicle parked on the street–without moving it for more than 7 days–will get you a parking ticket. The town’s mechanical street sweepers can’t clean the curb area properly when these obstacles are in place.

In the winter, there can be other problems. A new-ish neighbor had an old F-150 that they left on the street for weeks at a time, and then we had a significant snowfall. When the town’s snowplows couldn’t do their job properly, the cops towed the guy’s truck away.

Same holds in these parts. Here they’ll put a warning sticker on the car a few days before writing a ticket.