Grinding/scraping in the back at slow speeds

I bought a 98 crv awd this weekend and there’s a grinding/scraping sound coming from the rear (sounds like the driver side). It’s mainly at slow speeds and when turning, goes away at higher speeds. It’s also not all the time and seems to get better after driving for a while.

Thought it was the brakes so I took the left drum off and the shoe thickness is about 2.5-3mm which I’ve heard mixed opinions, some saying 3mm is minimum and some saying 3mm is almost new. The inner diameter of the drum is about 225-230mm and maximum says 221 so I know that’s bad. I checked both back wheels for play and there’s none at all.

Spinning them is what made me pretty sure it’s the wheel bearings (videos of the left and right included) but I’m confused because everyone says the sound should get worse at higher speeds and be consistent. Is it maybe both the brakes and bearings making the sound? What do you guys think it is?

Left rear

Right rear

Try placing your hand on the strut spring and slowly rotate the tire.

Sometimes a bad bearing will transmit its roughness into the spring where it can be felt.


All the more reason not to go by what “everyone says.” The classic bad bearing noise rises and peaks at around 45-50mph and it changes noticeably when you turn.

But they can present in different ways. “worse at higher speeds and consistent” is def. a bad description.

I didn’t look at the videos as I’m queasy about clicking on things that don’t go to a known URL or whatever.

Do you have any service records? If those rear bearings are the originals, I don’t see any reason not to do them if they are at all suspect.

You would be better off removing the drums (temp, do NOT push the brake pedal with drums removed), then put the wheels back on and spin the wheels again checking for noise and or roughness in the spring as Tester mentioned above…

The sound might be from clutch chatter in the rear differential, worn anti-chatter additive. Change the rear differential gear oil.

The noise in the videos is from the loose brake drums rubbing on the brake shoes.

+1 to Nevada. This is a known issue with CRVs as they age. Changing the diff fluid every 30-50k miles is recommended in order to prevent the problem. Be sure to use ONLY Honda Dual Pump Fluid.

+1 for the diff fluid

Also make sure all 4 tires match or at least both front and both rears match, I don’t remember if yours requires all 4 being the same make model and tread depth or if 2 at a time per axle are ok, I remember different years being different… Best to check the owners manual, should be able to find it on line…

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